
XMPP Compliance Tester, forked from github.com/iNPUTmice/ComplianceTester
git clone https://git.in0rdr.ch/xmpp-compliance-tester.git
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commit 5001c273f63d0dfbd3a6c6e22b84b66f0dc7ea6d
parent 4c3d3e65835fd9da6d69c6f18209c182463ea9ee
Author: Daniel Gultsch <daniel@gultsch.de>
Date:   Wed, 23 Aug 2017 17:18:26 +0200

fixed tojson script to work with more tests

Mreports/tojson.sh | 2+-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/reports/tojson.sh b/reports/tojson.sh @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ echo -n '{' for report in "${reports[@]}"; do server=$(echo $report | sed 's/.txt//') echo -n "\"$server\":" - lines=`grep -B 16 'Conversations Compliance Suite: ' $report | grep running | wc -l` + lines=`grep -B 17 'Conversations Compliance Suite: ' $report | grep running | wc -l` context=`echo $lines + 2 | bc` echo -n '{' ; grep -B $context 'Conversations Compliance Suite: ' $report | head -n $lines | sed 's/running //' | sed 's/…//' | sed -e 's/ \{3,\}/\t\t/g' | awk -v lines="$lines" -F '\t\t' '{ printf "\"" $1 "\":\"" $2 "\""; if (NR != lines) printf "," }'; echo -n '}' if [[ $report != $last ]]; then echo -n ','; fi;