
Raspberry Pi Test Cluster for HashiCorp Vault, Nomad and Consul
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      1 # HashiPi
      2 A test cluster for HashiCorp Nomad and OpenBao.
      4 ## Client-Server Architecture
      5 The cluster can be built with 3 or 5 nodes.
      7 For 5 nodes, it is recommended to only have 3 server nodes for Nomad to keep
      8 the Raft traffic minimal.
     10 Example architecture with 5 RaspberyPi nodes:
     12 | Node | Arch  | RAM | Nomad function | Bao function |
     13 | ---- | ----- |-----|----------------|--------------|
     14 | 00   | arm64 | 4GB | client/server  | server       |
     15 | 01   | arm64 | 4GB | client         | n/a          |
     16 | 02   | arm64 | 4GB | client/server  | server       |
     17 | 03   | arm64 | 4GB | client         | n/a          |
     18 | 04   | arm64 | 4GB | client/server  | server       |
     20 For best [performance on low power
     21 devices](https://developer.hashicorp.com/consul/docs/install/performance), the
     22 [`raft_multiplier`](https://developer.hashicorp.com/nomad/docs/configuration/server#raft_multiplier)
     23 of Nomad servers is set to the 5.
     25 The nomad clients have a higher [heartbeat
     26 timeout](https://developer.hashicorp.com/nomad/docs/configuration/server#client-heartbeats)
     27 set to make sure the low powered devices are not reported down too often:
     29 ```
     30 # https://developer.hashicorp.com/nomad/docs/configuration/server#client-heartbeats
     31 # Increase heartbeat ttl under unreliable network conditions to prevent
     32 # client: error heartbeating. retrying: error="failed to update status: rpc
     33 # error: Not ready to serve consistent reads"
     34 heartbeat_grace = "30s"
     35 min_heartbeat_ttl = "30s"
     36 ```
     38 ## Packer Builders
     39 These Packer files use the following builders:
     40 * [Packer builder for ARM (plugin
     41   "cross")](https://github.com/michalfita/packer-plugin-cross)
     42 * [QEMU](https://developer.hashicorp.com/packer/integrations/hashicorp/qemu)
     43   builder
     45 The packer builder "cross" requires `qemu-img`.
     47 ## Supported Architectures
     48 * ARM >= ARMv7
     49 * AMD64
     51 ## Self-signed TLS Certificates
     52 ### OpenBao
     53 To create a new self-signed CA certificate for Bao:
     54 ```bash
     55 # create bao self-signed CA certificate in ./tls/vault/
     56 ./vault-tls.sh
     57 ```
     59 A new self-signed server certificate is created in the Bao provisioning stage.
     61 The Packer JSON supports a few arguments for Bao server certificates:
     62 ```json
     63     "vault_tls_ca_cert": "./tls/vault/ca/vault_ca.pem",
     64     "vault_tls_ca_key": "./tls/vault/ca/vault_ca.key",
     65     "vault_tls_subj_alt_name": ""
     66 ```
     68 * `vault_tls_ca_cert`: The path of the CA certificate on the Packer build host,
     69   e.g., created with `./vault-tls.sh`
     70 * `vault_tls_ca_key`: The path of the CA key on the Packer build host, e.g.,
     71   created with `./vault-tls.sh`
     72 * `vault_tls_subj_alt_name`: Comma seperated list of Subject Alternative Names
     73   (SAN) for the self-signed certificates, e.g., `DNS:vault.example.com`
     75 ### Nomad
     76 The steps to create a set of self-signed certificates for Nomad are not fully
     77 automated to have control over the certificate generation process.
     79 TLS is a prerequisite for workload identities with JWT:
     80 * https://developer.hashicorp.com/nomad/docs/concepts/workload-identity
     82 A `nomad` binary on the Packer build host is required to create the initial CA
     83 certificate (trust anchor):
     84 ```bash
     85 # create nomad CA
     86 mkdir -p tls/nomad && cd tls/nomad
     87 nomad tls ca create
     88 ```
     90 Create Java truststore in pkcs12 format for Jenkins Nomad cloud config:
     91 ```bash
     92 # https://plugins.jenkins.io/nomad
     93 # https://github.com/jenkinsci/nomad-plugin/blob/master/src/test/resources/tls/create_certs.sh
     94 keytool -import -file nomad-agent-ca.pem -keystore nomad-agent-ca.p12 \
     95         -alias nomad -storetype pkcs12 -storepass 123456 -noprompt
     96 ```
     98 Then run the script from the projects root directory to create a new set of
     99 certificates in the directory `./tls/nomad/certs`:
    100 ```bash
    101 ./nomad-tls.sh
    102 ```
    104 ## ACL's
    105 tbd
    107 * ACLs for Nomad
    109 ## Nomad workload identity configuration
    110 Follow along the tutorial to configure Nomad workload identities with Bao:
    111 * https://developer.hashicorp.com/nomad/tutorials/integrate-vault/vault-acl
    113 ```bash
    114 $ cat vault-jwt-config.json
    115 {
    116   "jwks_url": "",
    117   "jwt_supported_algs": ["RS256", "EdDSA"],
    118   "default_role": "nomad-workloads"
    119 }
    121 # reuse the nomad-agent-ca.pem to configure the jwt auth backend
    122 $ bao write auth/jwt-nomad/config jwks_ca_pem=@tls/nomad/nomad-agent-ca.pem @vault-jwt-config.json
    124 $ cat vault-jwt-role.json
    125 {
    126   "role_type": "jwt",
    127   "bound_audiences": ["vault.in0rdr.ch"],
    128   "user_claim": "/nomad_job_id",
    129   "user_claim_json_pointer": true,
    130   "claim_mappings": {
    131     "nomad_namespace": "nomad_namespace",
    132     "nomad_job_id": "nomad_job_id",
    133     "nomad_task": "nomad_task"
    134   },
    135   "token_type": "service",
    136   "token_policies": ["nomad-workloads"],
    137   "token_period": "30m",
    138   "token_explicit_max_ttl": 0
    139 }
    140 $ bao write auth/jwt-nomad/role/nomad-workloads @vault-jwt-role.json
    142 # keep the bao policy a bit simpler (only job level nesting for kv path)
    143 # replace AUTH_METHOD_ACCESSOR with the actual accessor of auth/jwt-nomad
    144 $ cat vault-policy-nomad-workloads.hcl
    145 path "kv/+/{{identity.entity.aliases.AUTH_METHOD_ACCESSOR.metadata.nomad_job_id}}*" {
    146   capabilities = ["list", "read"]
    147 }
    148 $ bao policy write nomad-workloads vault-policy-nomad-workloads.hcl
    149 ```
    151 ## Authorized Keys
    152 Copy the contents of an openssh pubkey to `authorized_keys` Packer variable.
    154 ## Statically linked QEMU emulator
    155 Install the statically linked qemu (emulator) binary. On Debian/Ubuntu:
    156 ```bash
    157 sudo apt-get install qemu-user-static
    158 ```
    160 For other distributions, a [recent `qemu-aarch64-static` binary can be
    161 downloaded](https://github.com/multiarch/qemu-user-static/releases) and moved
    162 to the proper location for
    163 [`binfmt_misc`](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binfmt_misc) to pick it up:
    164 ```bash
    165 curl -LO https://github.com/multiarch/qemu-user-static/releases/download/v7.2.0-1/qemu-aarch64-static
    166 chmod +x qemu-aarch64-static
    167 sudo mv qemu-aarch64-static /usr/bin/qemu-aarch64-static
    168 ```
    170 Also, make sure to choose the correct "static" binary for the OS architecture
    171 in [`hashi-pi.pkr.hcl`](./hashi-pi.pkr.hcl):
    172 ```bash
    173     "qemu_binary_source_path": "/usr/bin/qemu-aarch64-static",
    174     "qemu_binary_destination_path": "/usr/bin/qemu-aarch64-static"
    175 ```
    177 Configure `binfmt_misc` to use the static binaries (requires OpenSuse package
    178 `qemu-linux-user`):
    179 ```bash
    180 sudo su
    181 # Remove binfmt_misc entry files before register the entry. When same name's file
    182 # /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/qemu-$arch exists, the register command is failed with
    183 # an error message "sh: write error: File exists":
    184 # https://github.com/multiarch/qemu-user-static/blob/master/README.md
    185 find /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc -type f -name 'qemu-*' -exec sh -c 'echo -1 > {}' \;
    186 # Example from:
    187 # https://github.com/multiarch/qemu-user-static/blob/master/containers/latest/register.sh
    188 qemu-binfmt-conf.sh --qemu-suffix "-static" --qemu-path /usr/bin
    190 # Check
    191 cat /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/qemu-aarch64
    192 enabled
    193 interpreter /usr/bin/qemu-aarch64-static
    194 ...
    195 ```
    197 ## QEMU emulator on NixOS
    198 On NixOS, it is sufficient to [enable the binfmt wrapper in the
    199 configuration](https://wiki.nixos.org/wiki/NixOS_on_ARM/Building_Images):
    200 ```
    201 boot.binfmt.emulatedSystems = [ "aarch64-linux" ];
    202 ```
    204 The wrapper on NixOS can be checked on this path:
    205 ```bash
    206 cat /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/aarch64-linux
    207 ```
    209 On NixOS, the interpreter is on this path (`hashi-pi.pkr.hcl`):
    210 ```bash
    211     "qemu_binary_source_path": "/run/binfmt/aarch64-linux",
    212     "qemu_binary_destination_path": "/run/binfmt/aarch64-linux"
    213 ```
    215 ## Run Packer
    216 Initialize required packer plugins:
    217 ```bash
    218 sudo packer init .
    219 ```
    221 Run packer with a value file to build an image for one host:
    222 ```bash
    223 sudo packer build \
    224   -only cross.hashipi \ # change to qemu.hashiintel to build amd images
    225   -var-file=variables.auto.pkrvars.hcl \
    226   -var-file=hosts/pi0.pkrvars.hcl \
    227   hashi-pi.pkr.hcl
    228 ```
    230 The `variable.auto.pkrvars.hcl` contains all sensitive packer variables.
    232 ## Write Image to SD Card
    233 To [write the resulting image file to the sd
    234 card](https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/linux.md)
    235 with `dd`:
    236 ```bash
    237 sudo dd bs=4M if=HashiPi-pi0.img of=/dev/sdb status=progress conv=fsync
    238 ```