
Proof of concepts for fun and profit
git clone https://git.in0rdr.ch/p0c-website.git
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2016-06-10-how-to-download-or-use-this-theme.md (925B)

      1 ---
      2 layout: post
      3 title: "How to Download or Use This Theme"
      4 comments: true
      5 description: "How to Download or Use This Theme"
      6 keywords: "dummy content"
      7 ---
      9 ### Use this theme as you main site
     11 - Download or fork the master branch of this theme repo into your GitHub account.
     12 - Rename the repo into something like `your_username.github.io`.
     13 - Edit `_config.yml` file to your preferences.
     14 - Edit `about.md` file for your About page.
     15 - Inside `_posts` folder, there are sample of blog entries. Learn from it and start yours.
     16 - Now, visit `http://your_username.github.io` and you should see your blog running.
     18 ### Use this theme as a project page
     20 If you want to use this theme as a project page blog, you don't need to rename the theme repo into `your_username.github.io`.
     22 All you need to do, open `_config.yml` file, change `baseurl` to your project name which contains this theme, e.g. `baseurl: "/myproject"`.
     24 #### Cheers!