jenkins.yaml.tmpl (5948B)
1 credentials: 2 system: 3 domainCredentials: 4 - credentials: 5 - vaultAppRoleCredential: 6 description: "Jenkins approle on" 7 id: "" 8 path: "approle" 9 roleId: "f22e8fa1-600b-8b3f-8d1f-5e1dbb7ffc76" 10 scope: GLOBAL 11 secretId: "{AQAAABAAAAAwkvKMbKxXt32PvPfvk1uKGiUy4Ah/+ns+/VBls3heRBJb0l2TtJ+e63J+CKf6hXtcbPPi44W+UCIR2DElovaIKA==}" 12 usePolicies: false 13 unclassified: 14 location: 15 adminAddress: "{{ if nomadVarExists "nomad/jobs/jenkins" -}} 16 {{ with nomadVar "nomad/jobs/jenkins" }}{{ .admin_address }}{{ end -}} 17 {{ else }}address not configured yet <nobody@nowhere>{{ end}}" 18 url: "" 19 hashicorpVault: 20 configuration: 21 vaultCredentialId: "" 22 vaultUrl: "" 23 globalLibraries: 24 libraries: 25 - name: "in0rdr-jenkins-lib" 26 retriever: 27 modernSCM: 28 scm: 29 git: 30 remote: "" 31 scmGit: 32 globalConfigEmail: "" 33 globalConfigName: "jenkins" 34 jenkins: 35 # 36 systemMessage: | 37 {\__/} 38 ( • . •) 39 / >💾 Jenkins configured with Jenkins Configuration as Code plugin 40 # Building on the built-in node can be a security issue. You should set the 41 # number of executors on the built-in node to 0: 42 # 43 numExecutors: 0 44 slaveAgentPort: 50000 45 authorizationStrategy: 46 loggedInUsersCanDoAnything: 47 allowAnonymousRead: false 48 securityRealm: 49 # 50 local: 51 allowsSignup: false 52 users: 53 - id: in0rdr 54 password: "{{with secret "kv/jenkins/users"}}{{index}}{{end}}" 55 globalNodeProperties: 56 - envVars: 57 env: 58 - key: "GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL" 59 value: "" 60 - key: "GIT_AUTHOR_NAME" 61 value: "jenkins" 62 clouds: 63 - nomad: 64 name: "nomad" 65 nomadUrl: "https://{{env ""}}:4646" 66 tlsEnabled: true 67 serverCertificate: "/etc/ssl/certs/nomad-agent-ca.p12" 68 # the truststore only contains public certificates, password is irrelevant here 69 serverPassword: "123456" 70 clientPassword: 71 prune: true 72 templates: 73 - idleTerminationInMinutes: 10 74 jobTemplate: |- 75 { 76 "Job": { 77 "Region": "global", 78 "ID": "%WORKER_NAME%", 79 "Namespace": "default", 80 "Type": "batch", 81 "Datacenters": [ 82 "dc1" 83 ], 84 "TaskGroups": [ 85 { 86 "Name": "jenkins-podman-worker-taskgroup", 87 "Count": 1, 88 "RestartPolicy": { 89 "Attempts": 0, 90 "Interval": 10000000000, 91 "Mode": "fail", 92 "Delay": 1000000000 93 }, 94 "Tasks": [ 95 { 96 "Name": "jenkins-podman-worker", 97 "Driver": "podman", 98 "User": "1312", 99 "Config": { 100 "volumes": [ 101 "/run/user/1312/podman/podman.sock:/home/jenkins/agent/podman.sock", 102 "/home/jenkins/workspace:/home/jenkins/workspace" 103 ], 104 "devices": [ 105 "/dev/fuse" 106 ], 107 "force_pull": true, 108 "image": "" 109 }, 110 "Env": { 111 "JENKINS_URL": "http://{{ env "NOMAD_ADDR_jenkins" }}", 112 "JENKINS_AGENT_NAME": "%WORKER_NAME%", 113 "JENKINS_SECRET": "%WORKER_SECRET%", 114 "JENKINS_TUNNEL": "{{ env "NOMAD_ADDR_jnlp" }}", 115 "DOCKER_HOST": "unix:///home/jenkins/agent/podman.sock", 116 "DOCKER_OPTS": "--insecure-registry=\"haproxy.lan:5000\"" 117 }, 118 "Resources": { 119 "CPU": 500, 120 "MemoryMB": 512, 121 "MemoryMaxMB": 1024 122 } 123 } 124 ], 125 "EphemeralDisk": { 126 "SizeMB": 300 127 } 128 } 129 ] 130 } 131 } 132 labels: "nomad podman" # use the 'podman' label in the Jenkins pipeline spec 133 numExecutors: 1 134 prefix: "jenkins-podman" 135 reusable: true 136 workerTimeout: 1 137 # Configuration example for the Docker cloud to spawn Jenkins agents directly 138 # in Docker containers without intermediary Nomad jobs: 139 # - 140 #- docker: 141 # name: "docker" 142 # containerCap: 3 143 # dockerApi: 144 # connectTimeout: 23 145 # dockerHost: 146 # uri: "unix:///home/jenkins/agent/podman.sock" 147 # readTimeout: 43 148 # errorDuration: 313 149 # templates: 150 # - connector: 151 # jnlp: 152 # jenkinsUrl: "http://{{ env "NOMAD_ADDR_jenkins" }}" 153 # user: "1312" 154 # dockerTemplateBase: 155 # image: "" 156 # environment: 157 # - JENKINS_TUNNEL={{ env "NOMAD_ADDR_jnlp" }} 158 # - DOCKER_HOST=unix:///home/jenkins/agent/podman.sock 159 # labelString: "podman" 160 # name: "alpine-jdk21" 161 # pullTimeout: 171 162 # remoteFs: "/home/jenkins/agent"