
HCL and Docker files for Nomad deployments
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ampache.cfg.php.dist (47801B)

      1 ;#<?php exit(); ?>##
      2 ;#########################################################
      3 ; General Config                                         #
      4 ;#########################################################
      6 ; This value is used to detect if this config file is up to date
      7 ; this is compared against a constant called CONFIG_VERSION
      8 ; that is located in src/Config/Init/InitializationHandlerConfig.php
      9 config_version = 62
     11 ;#########################################################
     12 ; Auto Update                                            #
     13 ;#########################################################
     15 ; Allow you to hard code a default git branch for Ampache
     16 ; If you set this value the inbuilt updater will use this branch for updates.
     17 ; POSSIBLE VALUES: master develop
     18 ; DEFAULT: none
     19 ;github_force_branch = "develop"
     21 ; This value allows to override the composer binary path to distinguish between multiple composer versions
     22 ; Either a binary name in $PATH as well as a fully qualified path is possible
     23 ; DEFAULT: composer
     24 ;composer_binary_path = "composer"
     26 ; We sometimes need to talk and will show a warning to admin users
     27 ; Enable this setting if you don't want to see warnings (When we enable them)
     28 ; DEFAULT: false
     29 ;hide_ampache_messages = "true"
     31 ;#########################################################
     32 ; Path Vars                                              #
     33 ;#########################################################
     35 ; The public http host of your server.
     36 ; If not set, retrieved automatically from client request.
     37 ; This setting is required for WebSocket server
     38 ; DEFAULT: none
     39 ;http_host = "localhost"
     41 ; The public http port of your server.
     42 ; If not set, retrieved automatically from client request.
     43 ; DEFAULT: none
     44 ;http_port = 80
     46 ; The public path to your Ampache install
     47 ; Do not put a trailing / on this path
     48 ; For example if your site is located at http://localhost
     49 ; than you do not need to enter anything for the web_path
     50 ; if it is located at http://localhost/music you need to
     51 ; set web_path to /music
     52 ; DEFAULT: none
     53 ;web_path = ""
     55 ; The local http url of your server.
     56 ; This is used to access the server from within the
     57 ; same host where ampache is running.
     58 ; For example, if the ampache server is not
     59 ; directly accessed via the public domain but via a reverse
     60 ; proxy, local_web_path would need to be changed
     61 ; to a localhost URL.
     62 ; If not set, retrieved automatically from server information.
     63 ; DEFAULT: none
     64 ;local_web_path = "http://localhost/ampache"
     66 ;#########################################################
     67 ; Database                                               #
     68 ;#########################################################
     70 ; Hostname of your database
     71 ; For socket authentication, set the path to socket file (e.g. /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock)
     72 ; DEFAULT: localhost
     73 database_hostname = localhost
     75 ; Port to use when connecting to your database
     76 ; DEFAULT: none
     77 ;database_port = 3306
     79 ; Name of your Ampache database
     80 ; DEFAULT: none
     81 database_name = ampache
     83 ; Username for your Ampache database
     84 ; DEFAULT: none
     85 database_username = username
     87 ; Password for your Ampache database, this can not be blank
     88 ; this is a 'forced' security precaution, the default value
     89 ; will not work (except if using socket authentication)
     90 ; DEFAULT: none
     91 database_password = password
     93 ; Set a default charset for your database
     94 ; Don't change this unless you understand how to BACKUP and RESTORE a database!
     95 ;
     96 ; DEFAULT: "utf8mb4"
     97 ;database_charset = "utf8mb4"
     99 ; Set a default collation for your database
    100 ; Don't change this unless you understand how to BACKUP and RESTORE a database!
    101 ;
    102 ; There are a ton of options but you'll probably want one of these.
    103 ; "utf8_unicode_ci" = Regular unicode (3 bytes per character)
    104 ; "utf8mb4_unicode_ci" = 4 bytes per character
    105 ; "utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci" = Supports more characters and is based on UCA 5.2.0 weight keys
    106 ;
    107 ; DEFAULT: "utf8mb4_unicode_ci"
    108 ;database_collation = "utf8mb4_unicode_ci"
    110 ;#########################################################
    111 ; Session and Security                                   #
    112 ;#########################################################
    114 ; Cryptographic secret
    115 ; This MUST BE changed with your own secret key. Ampache-specific, just pick any random string you want.
    116 secret_key = "abcdefghijklmnoprqstuvwyz0123456"
    118 ; Length that a session will last expressed in seconds. Default is
    119 ; one hour.
    120 ; DEFAULT: 3600
    121 session_length = 3600
    123 ; Length that the session for a single streaming instance will last
    124 ; the default is two hours. With some clients, and long songs this can
    125 ; cause playback to stop, increase this value if you experience that
    126 ; DEFAULT: 7200
    127 stream_length = 7200
    129 ; This length defines how long a 'remember me' session and cookie will
    130 ; last, the default is 86400, same as length. It is up to the administrator
    131 ; of the box to increase this, for reference 86400 = 1 day,
    132 ; 604800 = 1 week, and 2419200 = 1 month
    133 ; DEFAULT: 604800
    134 remember_length = 604800
    136 ; Name of the Session/Cookie that will sent to the browser
    137 ; default should be fine
    138 ; DEFAULT: ampache
    139 session_name = ampache
    141 ; Lifetime of the Cookie, 0 == Forever (until browser close) , otherwise in terms of seconds
    142 ; If you want cookies to last past a browser close set this to a value in seconds.
    143 ; DEFAULT: 0
    144 session_cookielife = 0
    146 ; Is the cookie a "secure" cookie? This should only be set to 1 (true) if you are
    147 ; running a secure site (HTTPS).
    148 ; DEFAULT: 0
    149 session_cookiesecure = 0
    151 ; Auth Methods
    152 ; This defines which auth methods Auth will attempt to use and in which order.
    153 ; If auto_create isn't enabled the user must exist locally.
    154 ; DEFAULT: mysql
    155 ; VALUES: mysql,ldap,http,pam,external,openid
    156 auth_methods = "mysql"
    158 ; External authentication
    159 ; This sets the helper used for external authentication.  It should conform to
    160 ; the interface used by mod_authnz_external
    161 ; DEFAULT: none
    162 ;external_authenticator = "/usr/sbin/pwauth"
    164 ; Automatic local password updating
    165 ; Determines whether successful authentication against an external source
    166 ; will result in an update to the password stored in the database.
    167 ; A locally stored password is needed for API access.
    168 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    169 ;auth_password_save = "true"
    171 ; Log out redirection target
    172 ; Defaults to our own login.php, but we can override it here if, for instance,
    173 ; we want to redirect to an SSO provider instead.
    174 ;logout_redirect = ""
    176 ; Use Access List
    177 ; Toggle this on if you want Ampache to pay attention to the access list
    178 ; and only allow streaming/downloading/api-rpc from known hosts api-rpc
    179 ; will not work without this on.
    180 ; NOTE: Default Behavior is DENY FROM ALL
    181 ; DEFAULT: "true"
    182 access_control = "true"
    184 ; Require Session
    185 ; If this is set to true Ampache will make sure that the URL passed when
    186 ; attempting to retrieve a song contains a valid Session ID This prevents
    187 ; others from guessing URL's. This setting is ignored if you have use_auth
    188 ; disabled.
    189 ; DEFAULT: "true"
    190 require_session = "true"
    192 ; Require LocalNet Session
    193 ; If this is set to true then Ampache will require that a valid session
    194 ; is passed even on hosts defined in the Local Network ACL. This setting
    195 ; has no effect if access_control is not enabled
    196 ; DEFAULT: "true"
    197 require_localnet_session = "true"
    199 ; Multiple Logins
    200 ; Added by Vlet 07/25/07
    201 ; When this setting is enabled a user may only be logged in from a single
    202 ; IP address at any one time, this is to prevent sharing of accounts
    203 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    204 ;prevent_multiple_logins = "true"
    206 ; Allow Embedding Ampache in Frames
    207 ; Whether a browser should be allowed to render a page in a <frame>, <iframe>, <embed> or <object>.
    208 ; This is used to avoid click-jacking attacks, by ensuring that their content is not embedded into other sites.
    209 ; By default Ampache pages can only be displayed in a frame on the same origin as the page itself.
    210 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    211 ;disable_xframe_sameorigin = "true"
    213 ;#########################################################
    214 ; Metadata                                               #
    215 ;#########################################################
    217 ; This determines the tag order for all cataloged
    218 ; music. If none of the listed tags are found then
    219 ; Ampache will randomly use whatever was found.
    220 ; POSSIBLE VALUES: ape asf avi id3v1 id3v2 lyrics3 matroska mpeg quicktime riff
    221 ;     vorbiscomment
    222 ; DEFAULT: vorbiscomment id3v2 id3v1 quicktime matroska ape asf avi mpeg riff
    223 getid3_tag_order = "vorbiscomment,id3v2,id3v1,quicktime,matroska,ape,asf,avi,mpeg,riff"
    225 ; This determines whether we try to autodetect the encoding for id3v2 tags.
    226 ; May break valid tags.
    227 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    228 ;getid3_detect_id3v2_encoding = "true"
    230 ; This determines if we write the changes to files (as id3 tags) when modifying metadata, or only keep them in Ampache (the default).
    231 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    232 ;write_id3 = "true"
    234 ; This determines if we write the changes to files (as id3 tags) when modifying album art, or only keep them in Ampache (the default)
    235 ; as id3 metadata when updated.
    236 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    237 ;write_id3_art = "true"
    239 ; This determines the order in which metadata sources are used (and in the
    240 ; case of plugins, checked)
    241 ; POSSIBLE VALUES (builtins): filename and getID3
    242 ; POSSIBLE VALUES (plugins): MusicBrainz,TheAudioDb, plus any others you've installed.
    243 ; DEFAULT: getID3 filename
    244 metadata_order = "getID3,MusicBrainz,TheAudioDb,filename"
    246 ; This determines the order in which metadata sources are used (and in the
    247 ; case of plugins, checked) for video files
    248 ; POSSIBLE VALUES (builtins): filename and getID3
    249 ; POSSIBLE VALUES (plugins): Tvdb,Tmdb,Omdb, plus any others you've installed.
    250 ; DEFAULT: filename getID3
    251 metadata_order_video = "filename,getID3"
    253 ; This determines if extended metadata grabbed from external services should be deferred.
    254 ; If enabled, extended metadata is retrieved when browsing the library item.
    255 ; If disabled, extended metadata is retrieved at catalog update.
    256 ; Today, only Artist information (summary, place formed, ...) can be deferred.
    257 ; DEFAULT: "true"
    258 deferred_ext_metadata = "true"
    260 ; Some taggers use delimiters other than \0 for fields
    261 ; This list specifies possible delimiters additional to \0
    262 ; This setting takes a regex pattern. TODO: explain that this is not just for genres until we can replace this safely
    263 ; DEFAULT: // / \ | , ;
    264 additional_genre_delimiters = "[/]{2}|[/\\\\|,;]"
    266 ; Enable importing custom metadata from files.
    267 ; This will need a bit of time during the import. So you may want to disable this
    268 ; if you have troubles with huge databases.
    269 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    270 ;enable_custom_metadata = "true"
    272 ;#########################################################
    273 ; File Tags                                             #
    274 ;#########################################################
    276 ; This determines if we write metadata to files when modifying metadata, or only keep them in Ampache (the default).
    277 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    278 ;write_tags = "true"
    280 ;#########################################################
    281 ; Catalog                                                #
    282 ;#########################################################
    284 ; File Pattern
    285 ; This defines which file types Ampache will attempt to catalog
    286 ; You can specify any file extension you want in here separating them with a |
    287 ; DEFAULT: mp3|mpc|m4p|m4a|aac|ogg|oga|wav|aif|aiff|rm|wma|asf|flac|opus|spx|ra|ape|shn|wv
    288 catalog_file_pattern = "mp3|mpc|m4p|m4a|aac|ogg|oga|wav|aif|aiff|rm|wma|asf|flac|opus|spx|ra|ape|shn|wv"
    290 ; Video Pattern
    291 ; This defines which video file types Ampache will attempt to catalog
    292 ; You can specify any file extension you want in here separating them with
    293 ; a | but Ampache may not be able to parse them
    294 ; DEAFULT: avi|mpg|mpeg|flv|m4v|mp4|webm|mkv|wmv|ogv|mov|divx|m2ts
    295 catalog_video_pattern = "avi|mpg|mpeg|flv|m4v|mp4|webm|mkv|wmv|ogv|mov|divx|m2ts"
    297 ; Playlist Pattern
    298 ; This defines which playlist types Ampache will attempt to catalog
    299 ; You can specify any file extension you want in here separating them with
    300 ; a | but Ampache may not be able to parse them
    301 ; DEFAULT: m3u|m3u8|pls|asx|xspf
    302 catalog_playlist_pattern = "m3u|m3u8|pls|asx|xspf"
    304 ; Prefix Pattern
    305 ; This defines which prefix Ampache will ignore when importing tags from
    306 ; your music. You may add any prefix you want separating them with a |
    307 ; DEFAULT: The|An|A|Die|Das|Ein|Eine|Les|Le|La
    308 catalog_prefix_pattern = "The|An|A|Die|Das|Ein|Eine|Les|Le|La"
    310 ; Ignore Pattern
    311 ; Ignore files that match this pattern
    312 ; You can specify any file extension you want in here separating them with a |
    313 ; DEFAULT: None
    314 ; catalog_ignore_pattern = "\(HTOA\)"
    316 ; Catalog disable
    317 ; This defines if catalog can be disabled without removing database entries
    318 ; WARNING: this increase sensibly sql requests and slow down Ampache a lot
    319 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    320 ;catalog_disable = "true"
    322 ; Catalog filter
    323 ; This defines if catalog can be filtered per user.
    324 ; The filters are set in the catalog management pages.
    325 ; WARNING: this increase sensibly sql requests and slow down Ampache a lot
    326 ; DEFAULT: false
    327 ;catalog_filter = "true"
    329 ; Delete from disk
    330 ; This determines if catalog manager users can delete media from disk.
    331 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    332 ;delete_from_disk = "true"
    334 ; Catalog verify by time
    335 ; Only verify the files that have been modified since the last verify.
    336 ; For large catalogs the verify process can be terribly long so this will help
    337 ; speed things up by checking modification date using filemtime() before loading
    338 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    339 ;catalog_verify_by_time = "true"
    341 ;#########################################################
    342 ; Program Settings                                       #
    343 ;#########################################################
    345 ; Downsample Remote
    346 ; If this is set to true and access control is on any users who are not
    347 ; coming from a defined 'network' ACL will be automatically downsampled
    348 ; regardless of their preferences. Requires access_control to be enabled
    349 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    350 ;downsample_remote = "true"
    352 ; Track User IPs
    353 ; If this is enabled Ampache will log the IP of every completed login
    354 ; it will store user, ip and time at one row per login. The results are
    355 ; displayed in Admin --> Users
    356 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    357 ;track_user_ip = "true"
    359 ; User IP Cardinality
    360 ; This defines how many days worth of IP history Ampache will track
    361 ; As it is one row per login on high volume sites you will want to
    362 ; clear it every now and then.
    363 ; DEFAULT: 42 days
    364 ;user_ip_cardinality = "42"
    366 ; Allow Zip Download
    367 ; This setting allows/disallows using zlib to zip up an entire
    368 ; playlist/album for download. Even if this is turned on you will
    369 ; still need to enabled downloading for the specific user you
    370 ; want to be able to use this function
    371 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    372 ;allow_zip_download = "true"
    374 ; Allow Zip Types
    375 ; This setting allows/disallows zip download of specific object types
    376 ; If empty, all supported object types can be zipped.
    377 ; Otherwise, only the given object list can be zipped.
    378 ; POSSIBLE VALUES: artist, album, playlist, search, tmp_playlist
    379 ; DEFAULT: none
    380 ;allow_zip_types = "album"
    382 ; Art Zip Add
    383 ; This settings allows/disallows to include Album Art to the Zip 
    384 ; If 'album_art_preferred_filename' exists this is included 
    385 ; DEFAULT: false
    386 ;art_zip_add = "true"
    388 ; File Zip Comment
    389 ; This is an optional configuration option that adds a comment
    390 ; to your zip files, this only applies if you've got allow_zip_downloads
    391 ; DEFAULT: Ampache - Zip Batch Download
    392 ;file_zip_comment = "Ampache - Zip Batch Download"
    394 ; Load the debug webplayer
    395 ; This will load the *.js player instead of the *.min.js player
    396 ; The unminified player has a lot of console.log() statements in the code.
    397 ; You can make changes and then check how the player is functioning.
    398 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    399 ;webplayer_debug = "true"
    401 ; Waveform
    402 ; This settings tells Ampache to attempt to generate a waveform
    403 ; for each song. It requires transcode and encode_args_wav settings.
    404 ; You must also set tmp_dir_path in order for this to work
    405 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    406 ;waveform = "true"
    408 ; Waveform color
    409 ; The waveform color.
    410 ; DEFAULT: #FF0000
    411 ;waveform_color = "#FF0000"
    413 ; Waveform height
    414 ; The waveform height.
    415 ; DEFAULT: 32
    416 ;waveform_height = 32
    418 ; Waveform width
    419 ; The waveform width.
    420 ; DEFAULT: 400
    421 ;waveform_width = 400
    423 ; Temporary Directory Path
    424 ; If Waveform is enabled this must be set to tell
    425 ; Ampache which directory to save the temporary file to. Do not put a
    426 ; trailing slash or this will not work.
    427 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    428 ;tmp_dir_path = "/tmp"
    430 ; This setting throttles a persons downloading to the specified
    431 ; bytes per second. This is not a 100% guaranteed function, and
    432 ; you should really use a server based rate limiter if you want
    433 ; to do this correctly.
    434 ; DEFAULT: off
    435 ; VALUES: any whole number (in bytes per second)
    436 ;throttle_download = 10
    438 ; This determines if a preview image should be retrieved from video files
    439 ; It requires encode_get_image transcode settings.
    440 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    441 ;generate_video_preview = "true"
    443 ; Uncomment if don't want Ampache to follow symlinks
    444 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    445 ;no_symlinks = "true"
    447 ; Use auth?
    448 ; If this is set to "true" Ampache will require a valid
    449 ; Username and password. If this is set to false then Ampache
    450 ; will not ask you for a username and password. false is only
    451 ; recommended for internal only instances
    452 ; DEFAULT: "true"
    453 use_auth = "true"
    455 ; Default Auth Level
    456 ; If use_auth is set to false then this option is used
    457 ; to determine the permission level of the 'default' users
    458 ; default is administrator. This setting only takes affect
    459 ; if use_auth is false
    460 ; POSSIBLE VALUES: user, admin, manager, guest
    461 ; DEFAULT: guest
    462 default_auth_level = "guest"
    464 ; Skip Timer Threshold
    465 ; This allows custom times to decide when a track is skipped
    466 ; Allows an integer to denote seconds, or a float to denote percentage
    468 ; 20 = 20 seconds.
    469 ; 0.3 = 30%
    470 ; DEFAULT: 20
    471 ;skip_timer = 20
    473 ; 5 Star Ratings
    474 ; This allows ratings for almost any object in Ampache
    475 : It also allows users to flag objects as a favorite
    476 ; POSSIBLE VALUES: false true
    477 ; DEFAULT: "true"
    478 ratings = "true"
    480 ; Enable filtering on browse pages for artists and albums.
    481 ; If you enable this setting the get_random and browse pages
    482 ; will remove artists and albums that are <= to that rating
    483 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    484 ;rating_browse_filter = "true"
    486 ; Set the rating that will be filtered
    487 ; e.g. 2 will filter 1 and 2 star albums and artists
    488 ; this setting must be set for the filter to work
    489 ; DEFAULT: null
    490 ;rating_browse_minimum_stars = 1
    492 ; By default Ampache assigns the rating set in files tags to
    493 ; the system user (-1). If you would like ALL file tags to be
    494 ; assigned to a specific user set their user ID here.
    495 ; DEFAULT: -1
    496 ;rating_file_tag_user = 1
    498 ; Direct play
    499 ; This allows user to play directly a song or album
    500 ; POSSIBLE VALUES: false true
    501 ; DEFAULT: "true"
    502 directplay = "true"
    504 ; Sociable
    505 ; This turns on / off all of the "social" features of Ampache
    506 ; default is on, but if you don't care and just want music
    507 ; turn this off to disable all social features.
    508 ; DEFAULT: "true"
    509 sociable = "true"
    511 ; License
    512 ; This turns on / off all licensing features on Ampache
    513 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    514 ;licensing = "true"
    516 ; This options will turn on/off Demo Mode
    517 ; If Demo mode is on you can not play songs or update your catalog
    518 ; in other words.. leave this commented out
    519 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    520 ;demo_mode = "true"
    522 ; This options will turn on/off Simple User Mode
    523 ; If simple_user_mode is true you can not edit your profile or make
    524 ; changes to your account unless you are an admin
    525 ; This is for shared accounts or simple sites like the ampache demo
    526 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    527 ;simple_user_mode = "true"
    529 ; Caching
    530 ; This turns the caching mechanisms on or off, due to a large number of
    531 ; problems with people with very large catalogs and low memory settings
    532 ; this is off by default as it does significantly increase the memory
    533 ; requirements on larger catalogs. If you have the memory this can create
    534 ; a 2-3x speed improvement.
    535 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    536 ;memory_cache = "true"
    538 ; Memory Limit
    539 ; This defines the "Min" memory limit for PHP if your php.ini
    540 ; has a lower value set Ampache will set it up to this. If you
    541 ; set it below 16MB getid3() will not work!
    542 ; DEFAULT: 32
    543 ;memory_limit = 32
    545 ; Album Art Preferred Filename
    546 ; Specify a filename to look for if you always give the same filename
    547 ; i.e. "folder.jpg" Ampache currently only supports jpg/gif and png
    548 ; Especially useful if you have a front and a back image in a folder
    549 ; comment out if Ampache should search for any jpg, gif or png
    550 ; DEFAULT: folder.jpg
    551 ;album_art_preferred_filename = "folder.jpg"
    553 ; Artist Art Preferred Filename
    554 ; Specify a filename to look for artist specific art, either in the
    555 ; same folder as your files or in the parent folder
    556 ; e.g. /mnt/music/Artist/Album/artist.jpg
    557 ;      /mnt/music/Artist/artist.jpg
    558 ; DEFAULT: folder.jpg
    559 ;artist_art_preferred_filename = "folder.jpg"
    561 ; Artist Art Dump Folder
    562 ; Specify a local folder to search for art using name/title to identify
    563 ; i.e. "/var/www/art/" is filled with artist images named by artist
    564 ; e.g. "Megadeth.jpg", "Judas Priest.png", "The Smashing Pumpkins.jpg"
    565 ; When enabled; gather_folder will check this folder for artist images
    566 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    567 ;artist_art_folder = "/var/www/art"
    569 ; Album Art Store on Disk
    570 ; This defines if arts should be stored on disk instead of database.
    571 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    572 ;album_art_store_disk = "true"
    574 ; Local Metadata Directory
    575 ; This define a local metadata directory with write access where to store
    576 ; heavy data if enabled (album arts, ...)
    577 ; DEFAULT: none
    578 ;local_metadata_dir = "/metadata"
    580 ; Maximal upload size
    581 ; Specify the maximal allowed upload size for images, in bytes.
    582 ; DEFAULT: 1048576
    583 ;max_upload_size = 1048576
    585 ; Album Art Minimum Width
    586 ; Specify the minimum width for arts (in pixel).
    587 ; DEFAULT: none
    588 ;album_art_min_width = 100
    590 ; Album Art Maximum Width
    591 ; Specify the maximum width for arts (in pixel).
    592 ; DEFAULT: none
    593 ;album_art_max_width = 1024
    595 ; Album Art Minimum Height
    596 ; Specify the minimum height for arts (in pixel).
    597 ; DEFAULT: none
    598 ;album_art_min_height = 100
    600 ; Album Art Maximum Height
    601 ; Specify the maximum height for arts (in pixel).
    602 ; DEFAULT: none
    603 ;album_art_max_height = 1024
    605 ; Resize Images * Requires PHP-GD *
    606 ; Set this to true if you want Ampache to resize the Album
    607 ; art on the fly, this increases load time and CPU usage
    608 ; and also requires the PHP-GD library. This is very useful
    609 ; If you have high-quality album art and a small upload cap
    610 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    611 ;resize_images = "true"
    613 ; Playlist Cover Art
    614 ; Set this to true if you want Ampache to generate
    615 ; cover art for playlists automatically based on
    616 ; the content.
    617 ; DEFAULT: "true"
    618 playlist_art = "true"
    620 ; Statistical Graphs * Requires PHP-GD *
    621 ; Set this to true if you want Ampache to generate statistical graphs on usages / users.
    622 ; This is false by default due to issues around the licensing of c-pchart.
    623 ;
    624 ;
    625 ; REFERENCE:
    626 ; You can enable c-chart with the following command
    627 ;  composer require szymach/c-pchart "2.*"
    628 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    629 ;statistical_graphs = "true"
    631 ; Art Gather Order
    632 ; Simply arrange the following in the order you would like
    633 ; Ampache to search. If you want to disable one of the search
    634 ; methods simply leave it out. DB should be left as the first
    635 ; method unless you want it to overwrite what's already in the
    636 ; database
    637 ; POSSIBLE VALUES (builtins): db tags folder lastfm musicbrainz google
    638 ; POSSIBLE VALUES (plugins): Amazon,TheAudioDb,Tmdb,Omdb,Flickr
    639 ; DEFAULT: db,tags,folder,spotify,musicbrainz,lastfm,google
    640 art_order = "db,spotify,TheAudioDb,musicbrainz,lastfm,tags,folder"
    642 ; Gather song art
    643 ; Gather song art additionally to the album art. This will add each
    644 ; image of a song into the database. If your database contains
    645 ; many songs not related to an album this should possibly be set to true.
    646 ; Otherwise for an environment that contains mainly full albums
    647 ; this should remain false to avoid multiple entries of the same image.
    648 ; You need to set show_song_art to true if you want to make the song images visible.
    649 ; DEFAULT = false
    650 ;gather_song_art = "true"
    652 ; Show song art
    653 ; Show song art instead of album art in web UI and Subsonic API.
    654 ; This will only work when gather_song_art is set to true AND when
    655 ; there is song art in the database.
    656 ; DEFAULT: false
    657 ;show_song_art = "true"
    659 ; Spotify Album art search filter
    660 ;  Narrow the search.
    661 ;  POSSIBLE VALUES:  artist,(year:1991 or year:1991-2000)
    662 ; POSSIBLE  VALUES: empty string("") or commented out for no filter
    663 ; DEFAULT: none;
    664 ;spotify_art_filter = "artist"
    666 ; Art search limit
    667 ;  Limit the total images returned
    668 ;  DEFAULT: 15
    669 ;art_search_limit = 15
    671 ; Recommendations
    672 ; Set this to true to enable display of similar artists or albums
    673 ; while browsing. Requires Last.FM.
    674 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    675 ;show_similar = "true"
    677 ; Hide Searches from the API
    678 ; Set this to true and the get_indexes and playlists methods will not automatically include
    679 ; searches/smart lists in the results.
    680 ; Older versions of the Kodi Add-on will require this for playlists to work
    681 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    682 ;hide_search = "true"
    684 ; Allow or disallow upload scripts on the server
    685 ; Enable this if you trust your users
    686 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    687 ;allow_upload_scripts = "true"
    689 ;#########################################################
    690 ;      API keys                                          #
    691 ;#########################################################
    693 ; Last.FM API Key
    694 ; Set this to your Last.FM api key to actually use Last.FM for
    695 ; recommendations and metadata.
    696 lastfm_api_key = "d5df942424c71b754e54ce1832505ae2"
    698 ; Last.FM API secret
    699 ; Set this to your Last.FM api secret to actually use Last.FM for
    700 ; scrobbling.
    701 ; DEFAULT: none
    702 lastfm_api_secret = ""
    704 ; Spotify client id
    705 ; Set this to your Spotify client id to actually use Spotify for
    706 ; accessing their catalog API. (
    707 ; DEFAULT: none
    708 ;spotify_client_id = ""
    710 ; Spotify client secret
    711 ; Both id and secret are required to access the spotify catalog.
    712 ; DEFAULT: none
    713 ;spotify_client_secret = ""
    715 ; Wanted
    716 ; Set this to true to enable display missing albums and the
    717 ; possibility for users to mark it as wanted.
    718 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    719 ;wanted = "true"
    721 ; Wanted types
    722 ; Set the allowed types of wanted releases (album,compilation,single,ep,live,remix,promotion,official)
    723 ; DEFAULT: album,official
    724 wanted_types = "album,official"
    726 ; Wanted Auto Accept
    727 ; Mark wanted requests as accepted by default (no content manager agreement required)
    728 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    729 ;wanted_auto_accept = "true"
    731 ; Labels
    732 ; Use labels to browse artists per label membership.
    733 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    734 ;label = "true"
    736 ; Broadcasts
    737 ; Allow users to broadcast music.
    738 ; This feature requires advanced server configuration, please take a look on the wiki for more information.
    739 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    740 ;broadcast = "true"
    742 ; Channels
    743 ; Set this to true to enable channels and the
    744 ; possibility for users to create channels from playlists
    745 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    746 ;channel = "true"
    748 ; Live Streams
    749 ; Set this to true to enable live streams (radio) and the
    750 ; possibility for users to add new live streams.
    751 ; DEFAULT: "true"
    752 live_stream = "true"
    754 ; Podcasts
    755 ; Set this to true to enable podcasts and the
    756 ; possibility for admins to subscribe to new podcasts.
    757 ; DEFAULT: "true"
    758 podcast = "true"
    760 ; Web Socket address
    761 ; Declare the web socket server address
    762 ; DEFAULT: determined automatically
    763 ;websocket_address = "ws://localhost:8100"
    765 ; Refresh Limit
    766 ; This defines the default refresh limit in seconds for
    767 ; pages with dynamic content, such as Now Playing
    768 ; DEFAULT: 60
    769 ; Possible Values: Int > 5
    770 refresh_limit = "60"
    772 ; Embedded Now Playing Page
    773 ; Set this to true to enable the embedded Now Playing page (now_playing.php).
    774 ; This page allows for embedding a Now Playing badge into a stream
    775 ; or status page. Use with the parameter 'user_id' to filter by a
    776 ; specific user. This page is like rss in that it doesn't require a
    777 ; login to view.
    778 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    779 ;use_now_playing_embedded = "true"
    781 ; Now Playing Refresh Limit
    782 ; This defines the refresh limit in seconds for the
    783 ; Now Playing embedded page. This (now_playing.php) is not
    784 ; part of the normal application and is designed to be
    785 ; embedded in another app, like a stream or status page.
    786 ; If this value is not valid, automatic refresh will be disabled.
    787 ; DEFAULT: -1
    788 ; Possible Values; Int > 1
    789 ;now_playing_refresh_limit = "-1"
    791 ; Now Playing Custom CSS
    792 ; This defines the custom css file for the Now Playing embedded
    793 ; page. This (now_playing.php) is not part of the normal
    794 ; application and is designed to be embedded in another app, like
    795 ; a stream or status page.
    796 ; If this value is not set, no CSS will be used. Custom CSS can
    797 ; still be applied in the other application, like OBS.
    798 ; DEFAULT: Not enabled
    799 ;now_playing_css_file = "templates/now-playing.css"
    801 ; Footer Statistics
    802 ; This defines whether statistics (Queries, Cache Hits, Load Time)
    803 ; are shown in the page footer.
    804 ; DEFAULT: "true"
    805 show_footer_statistics = "true"
    807 ; RSS Feeds
    808 ; Set this to true to enable rss feeds.
    809 ; (latest albums, shouts, albums of artist, ...)
    810 ; use_rss = false (values true | false)
    811 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    812 ;use_rss = "true"
    814 ; This setting allows themes to overwrite PHP template files. This can be really
    815 ; dangerous. Do this only if you trust every theme in your themes/ directory.
    816 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    817 ;allow_php_themes = "true"
    819 ;#########################################################
    820 ; Debugging                                              #
    821 ;#########################################################
    823 ; Debug
    824 ; If this is enabled Ampache will write debugging information to the log file
    825 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    826 ;debug = "true"
    828 ; Debug Level
    829 ; This should always be set in conjunction with the
    830 ; debug option, it defines how prolific you want the
    831 ; debugging in Ampache to be. values are 1-5.
    832 ; 1 == Basic Errors
    833 ; 2 == Errors + Failures (login attempts etc.)
    834 ; 3 == Full Error Information
    835 ; 4 == General Information
    836 ; 5 == Full Information (cataloging progress etc.)
    837 ; DEFAULT: 5
    838 debug_level = 5
    840 ; Path to Log File
    841 ; This defines where you want Ampache to log events to
    842 ; this will only happen if debug is turned on. Do not
    843 ; include trailing slash. You will need to make sure that
    844 ; the specified directory exists and your HTTP server has
    845 ; write access.
    846 ; DEFAULT: none
    847 log_path = "/var/log/ampache"
    849 ; Log filename pattern
    850 ; This defines where the log file name pattern
    851 ; %name.%Y%m%d.log will create a different log file every day.
    852 ; DEFAULT: %name.%Y%m%d.log
    853 log_filename = "%name.%Y%m%d.log"
    855 ;#########################################################
    856 ; Encoding Settings                                      #
    857 ;#########################################################
    859 ; Charset of generated HTML pages
    860 ; Default of UTF-8 should work for most people
    861 ; DEFAULT: UTF-8
    862 site_charset = UTF-8
    864 ; Locale Charset
    865 ; Local charset (mainly for file operations) if different
    866 ; from site_charset.
    867 ; This is disabled by default, enable only if needed
    868 ; (for Windows please set lc_charset to ISO8859-1)
    869 ; DEFAULT: ISO8859-1
    870 ;lc_charset = "ISO8859-1"
    872 ; Multibyte
    873 ; See
    874 ; If you want ID3v1 encoding detection to work, you should uncomment this line
    875 ; so that the ordering is sane.
    876 ; DEFAULT: auto
    877 ;mb_detect_order = "ASCII,UTF-8,EUC-JP,ISO-2022-JP,SJIS,JIS"
    879 ;#########################################################
    880 ; Custom actions (optional)                              #
    881 ;#########################################################
    883 ; Your custom play action title
    884 ;custom_play_action_title_0 = ""
    885 ; Your custom play action icon name (stored as /images/icon_[your_image].png)
    886 ;custom_play_action_icon_0 = ""
    887 ; Your custom action script, where:
    888 ;   - %f: the media file path
    889 ;   - %c: the excepted codec target (mp3, ogg, ...)
    890 ;   - %a: the artist name
    891 ;   - %A: the album name
    892 ;   - %t: the song title
    893 ; DEFAULT: none
    894 ;custom_play_action_run_0 = ""
    896 ; Example for Karaoke playing
    897 ;custom_play_action_title_0 = "Karaoke"
    898 ;custom_play_action_icon_0 = "microphone"
    899 ;custom_play_action_run_0 = "sox \"%f\" -p oops | ffmpeg -i pipe:0 -f %c pipe:1"
    901 ;#########################################################
    902 ; LDAP login info (optional)                             #
    903 ;#########################################################
    905 ; LDAP server URL (required)
    906 ; DEFAULT: none
    907 ;ldap_url = "ldap://localhost/"
    908 ;ldap_url = "ldaps://localhost/"
    910 ; LDAP credentials (optional)
    911 ; DEFAULT: none
    912 ;ldap_username = ""
    913 ;ldap_password = ""
    915 ; LDAP Base DN for the search (required)
    916 ; DEFAULT: none
    917 ;ldap_search_dn = "ou=People,dc=yoursubdomain,dc=yourdomain,dc=yourtld"
    919 ; LDAP objectClass (required)
    920 ; DEFAULT: none
    921 ;ldap_objectclass = "posixAccount"          ; OpenLDAP
    922 ;ldap_objectclass = "organizationalPerson"  ; Microsoft Active Directory
    924 ; LDAP filter for search (required)
    925 ; DEFAULT: none
    926 ;ldap_filter = "(uid=%v)"                   ; OpenLDAP
    927 ;ldap_filter = "(sAMAccountName=%v)"        ; Microsoft Active Directory
    929 ; Require that the user is in a specific group (optional)
    930 ; DEFAULT: none
    931 ;ldap_require_group = "cn=yourgroup,ou=yourorg,dc=yoursubdomain,dc=yourdomain,dc=yourtld"
    933 ; LDAP name field
    934 ; DEFAULT: cn
    935 ;ldap_name_field = "cn"
    936 ;ldap_name_field = "displayName"
    938 ; LDAP email field
    939 ; DEFAULT: mail
    940 ;ldap_email_field = "mail"
    942 ; LDAP avatar field
    943 ; DEFAULT: none
    944 ;ldap_avatar_field = "jpegPhoto"
    946 ; LDAP avatar mime type
    947 ; DEFAULT: image/jpeg
    948 ;ldap_avatar_mime = "image/jpeg"
    950 ; LDAP protocol version to use
    951 ; DEFAULT: 3
    952 ;ldap_protocol_version = 3
    954 ; LDAP StartTLS
    955 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    956 ;ldap_start_tls = "true"
    958 ; LDAP member attribute name.
    959 ; That's the name of the attribute of the group that will contain
    960 ; the usernames.
    961 ; DEFAULT: member
    962 ;ldap_member_attribute = "member"
    963 ;ldap_member_attribute = "memberuid"
    965 ;#########################################################
    966 ; OpenID login info (optional)                           #
    967 ;#########################################################
    969 ; Requires specific OpenID Provider Authentication Policy
    970 ; DEFAULT: none
    972 ;openid_required_pape = ""
    974 ;#########################################################
    975 ; Public Registration settings, defaults to disabled     #
    976 ;#########################################################
    978 ; This setting will silently create an Ampache account
    979 ; for anyone who can login using LDAP (or any other login
    980 ; extension). The default is to create new users as guests
    981 ; see auto_user config option if you would like to change this
    982 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    983 ;auto_create = "true"
    985 ; This setting will silently update an Ampache account's
    986 ; information for anyone who can login using LDAP
    987 ; (or any other login extension).
    988 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    989 ;external_auto_update = "true"
    991 ; This setting turns on/off public registration. It is
    992 ; recommended you leave this off, as it will allow anyone to
    993 ; sign up for an account on your server.
    994 ; REMEMBER: don't forget to set the mail from address further down in the config.
    995 ; DEFAULT: "false"
    996 ;allow_public_registration = "true"
    998 ; Require Captcha Text on Image confirmation
    999 ; Turning this on requires the user to correctly
   1000 ; type in the letters in the image created by Captcha
   1001 ; Default is off because its very hard to detect if it failed
   1002 ; to draw, or they failed to enter it.
   1003 ; DEFAULT: "false"
   1004 ;captcha_public_reg = "true"
   1006 ; This setting turns on/off admin notification of registration.
   1007 ; DEFAULT: "false"
   1008 ;admin_notify_reg = "true"
   1010 ; This setting determines whether the user will be created as a disabled user.
   1011 ; If this is on, an administrator will need to manually enable the account
   1012 ; before it's usable.
   1013 ; DEFAULT: "false"
   1014 ;admin_enable_required = "true"
   1016 ; This setting will allow all registrants/ldap/http users
   1017 ; to be auto-approved as a user. By default, they will be
   1018 ; added as a guest and must be promoted by the admin.
   1019 ; POSSIBLE VALUES: guest, user, admin
   1020 ; DEFAULT: guest
   1021 ;auto_user = "guest"
   1023 ; This will display the user agreement when registering
   1024 ; For agreement text, edit config/registration_agreement.php
   1025 ; User will need to accept the agreement before they can register
   1026 ; DEFAULT: "false"
   1027 ;user_agreement = "true"
   1029 ; This disable email confirmation when registering.
   1030 ; DEFAULT: "false"
   1031 ;user_no_email_confirm = "true"
   1033 ; This will display the cookie disclaimer (EU Cookie Law)
   1034 ; DEFAULT: "false"
   1035 ;cookie_disclaimer = "true"
   1037 ; The fields that will be shown on Registration page
   1038 ; If a user wants to register.
   1039 ; Username and email fields are forced.
   1040 ; POSSIBLE VALUES: fullname,website,state,city
   1041 ; DEFAULT: fullname,website
   1042 registration_display_fields = "fullname,website"
   1044 ; The fields that will be mandatory
   1045 ; This controls which fields are mandatory for registration.
   1046 ; Username and email fields are forced mandatory.
   1047 ; POSSIBLE VALUES: fullname,website,state,city
   1048 ; DEFAULT: fullname
   1049 registration_mandatory_fields = "fullname"
   1051 ;#########################################################
   1052 ; These options control the dynamic downsampling based   #
   1053 ; on current usage                                       #
   1054 ; *Note* Transcoding must be enabled and working         #
   1055 ;#########################################################
   1057 ; Attempt to optimize bandwidth by dynamically lowering the bit rate of new
   1058 ; streams. Since the bit rate is only adjusted at the beginning of a song, the
   1059 ; actual cumulative bitrate for concurrent streams can be up to around
   1060 ; double the configured value. It also only applies to streams that are
   1061 ; transcoded.
   1062 ; DEFAULT: none
   1063 ;max_bit_rate = 576
   1065 ; New dynamically downsampled streams will be denied if they are forced below
   1066 ; this value.
   1067 ; DEFAULT: 8
   1068 ;min_bit_rate = 48
   1070 ;#########################################################
   1071 ; Transcode Settings                                     #
   1072 ;#########################################################
   1074 ; These are commands used to transcode non-streaming
   1075 ; formats to the target file type for streaming.
   1076 ; This can be useful in re-encoding file types that don't stream
   1077 ; very well, or if your player doesn't support some file types.
   1078 ;
   1079 ; 'Downsampling' will also use these commands.
   1080 ;
   1081 ; To state the bleeding obvious, any programs referenced in the transcode
   1082 ; commands must be installed, in the web server's search path (or referenced
   1083 ; by their full path), and executable by the web server.
   1085 ; Input type selection
   1086 ; TYPE is the extension. 'allowed' certifies that transcoding works properly for
   1087 ; this input format. 'required' further forbids the direct streaming of a format
   1088 ; (e.g. if you store everything in FLAC, but don't want to ever stream that.)
   1089 ; transcode_TYPE = {allowed|required|false}
   1090 ; DEFAULT: "false"
   1091 ;;; Audio
   1092 ;transcode_m4a = "allowed"
   1093 ;transcode_flac = "required"
   1094 ;transcode_mpc = "required"
   1095 ;transcode_ogg = "required"
   1096 ;transcode_oga = "required"
   1097 ;transcode_opus = "required"
   1098 ;transcode_wav = "required"
   1099 ;transcode_wma = "required"
   1100 ;transcode_aif = "required"
   1101 ;transcode_aiff = "required"
   1102 ;transcode_ape = "required"
   1103 ;transcode_shn = "required"
   1104 transcode_mp3 = "allowed"
   1105 ;;; Video
   1106 ;transcode_avi = "allowed"
   1107 ;transcode_flv = "allowed"
   1108 ;transcode_mkv = "allowed"
   1109 ;transcode_mpg = "allowed"
   1110 ;transcode_mpeg = "allowed"
   1111 ;transcode_m4v = "allowed"
   1112 ;transcode_mp4 = "allowed"
   1113 ;transcode_mov = "allowed"
   1114 ;transcode_wmv = "allowed"
   1115 ;transcode_ogv = "allowed"
   1116 ;transcode_divx = "allowed"
   1117 ;transcode_m2ts = "allowed"
   1118 ;transcode_webm = "allowed"
   1120 ; Default audio output format
   1121 ; DEFAULT: none
   1122 ;encode_target = mp3
   1124 ; Default video output format
   1125 ; DEFAULT: none
   1126 ;encode_video_target = webm
   1128 ; Override the default output format on a per-type basis, for example,
   1129 ; to stream lossless encoded files in lossy formats.
   1130 ; encode_target_TYPE = TYPE
   1131 ; DEFAULT: none
   1132 ;encode_target_flac = opus
   1134 ; Override the default TYPE transcoding behavior on a per-player basis, for example,
   1135 ; to stream lossless using the api and lossy using the web interface.
   1136 ; transcode_player_PLAYER_TYPE = TYPE
   1137 ; Valid PLAYER is: webplayer, api
   1138 ; DEFAULT: none
   1139 ;transcode_player_webplayer_m4a = "required"
   1140 ;transcode_player_webplayer_flac = "required"
   1141 ;transcode_player_webplayer_mpc = "required"
   1143 ; Override the default output format on a per-player basis
   1144 ; encode_player_PLAYER_target = TYPE
   1145 ; Valid PLAYER is: webplayer, api
   1146 ; DEFAULT: none
   1147 ;encode_player_webplayer_target = mp3
   1148 ;encode_player_api_target = mp3
   1150 ; Allow clients to override transcode settings (output type, bitrate, codec ...)
   1151 ; DEFAULT: "true"
   1152 transcode_player_customize = "true"
   1154 ; Command configuration. Substitutions will be made as follows:
   1155 ; %FILE% => filename
   1156 ; %BITRATE% => target bit rate (as chosen by the admin or users in the
   1157 ; preferences, if transcode_player_customize = "true")
   1158 ; You can do fancy things like VBR, but consider whether the consequences are
   1159 ; acceptable in your environment.
   1161 ; Master transcode command
   1162 ; transcode_cmd should be a single command that supports multiple file types,
   1163 ; such as ffmpeg or avconv. It's still possible to make a configuration that's
   1164 ; equivalent to the old default, but if you find that necessary you should be
   1165 ; clever enough to figure out how on your own.
   1166 ; DEFAULT: none
   1167 ;transcode_cmd = "ffmpeg"
   1168 ;transcode_cmd = "avconv"
   1169 ;transcode_cmd = "/usr/bin/neatokeen"
   1171 ; Transcode input file argument
   1172 transcode_input = "-i %FILE%"
   1174 ; Specific transcode commands
   1175 ; It shouldn't be necessary in most cases, but you can override the transcode
   1176 ; command for specific source formats.  It still needs to accept the
   1177 ; encoding arguments, so the easiest approach is to use your normal command as
   1178 ; a clearing-house.
   1179 ; transcode_cmd_TYPE = TRANSCODE_CMD
   1180 ;transcode_cmd_mid = "timidity -Or -o – %FILE% | ffmpeg -f s16le -i pipe:0"
   1182 ; Encoding arguments
   1183 ; For each output format, you should provide the necessary arguments for
   1184 ; your transcode_cmd.
   1185 ; encode_args_TYPE = TRANSCODE_CMD_ARGS
   1186 encode_args_mp3 = "-vn -b:a %BITRATE%K -c:a libmp3lame -f mp3 pipe:1"
   1187 encode_args_ogg = "-vn -b:a %BITRATE%K -c:a libvorbis -f ogg pipe:1"
   1188 encode_args_opus = "-vn -b:a %BITRATE%K -c:a libopus -compression_level 10 -vsync 2 -f ogg pipe:1"
   1189 encode_args_m4a = "-vn -b:a %BITRATE%K -c:a libfdk_aac -f adts pipe:1"
   1190 encode_args_wav = "-vn -b:a %BITRATE%K -c:a pcm_s16le -f wav pipe:1"
   1191 encode_args_flv = "-b:a %BITRATE%K -ar 44100 -ac 2 -v 0 -f flv -c:v libx264 -preset superfast -threads 0 pipe:1"
   1192 encode_args_webm = "-b:a %BITRATE%K -f webm -c:v libvpx -preset superfast -threads 0 pipe:1"
   1193 encode_args_ts = "-q %QUALITY% -s %RESOLUTION% -f mpegts -c:v libx264 -c:a libmp3lame -maxrate %MAXBITRATE%k -preset superfast -threads 0 pipe:1"
   1194 encode_args_ogv = "-codec:v libtheora -qscale:v 7 -codec:a libvorbis -qscale:a 5 -f ogg pipe:1"
   1196 ; Encoding arguments to retrieve an image from a single frame
   1197 encode_get_image = "-ss %TIME% -f image2 -vframes 1 pipe:1"
   1199 ; Encoding argument to encrust subtitle
   1200 encode_srt = "-vf \"subtitles='%SRTFILE%'\""
   1202 ; Encode segment frame argument
   1203 encode_ss_frame = "-ss %TIME%"
   1205 ; Encode segment duration argument
   1206 encode_ss_duration = "-t %DURATION%"
   1208 ; Use segments for transcoding or send it all in one go.
   1209 ; Useful if you are having issues streaming the full track.
   1210 ; You can set it for all streams or a specific player
   1211 ; POSSIBLE VALUES: true webplayer api
   1212 ; DEFAULT: "webplayer"
   1213 send_full_stream = "webplayer"
   1215 ;#########################################################
   1216 ; Transcode Caching                                      #
   1217 ;#########################################################
   1219 ; These are commands used to pre-cache a file format for streaming.
   1220 ; This helps avoid waiting for transcodes to finish and makes
   1221 ; files immediately available to the client.
   1223 ; Path to your cache folder.
   1224 ; This is where the pre-transcoded files will be stored
   1225 ; DEFAULT: none
   1226 ;cache_path = "/tmp"
   1228 ; Default audio output format
   1229 ; DEFAULT: none
   1230 ;cache_target = "mp3"
   1232 ; Look in your local catalogs for these file extensions and pre-cache to the
   1233 ; 'cache_path'. This could be helpful to reduce space needed on your
   1234 ; web server or to make sure that clients get files quickly.
   1235 ; Execute "php bin/cli run:cacheProcess" to process these files.
   1236 ; DEFAULT: "false"
   1237 ;cache_m4a = "true"
   1238 ;cache_flac = "true"
   1239 ;cache_mpc = "true"
   1240 ;cache_ogg = "true"
   1241 ;cache_oga = "true"
   1242 ;cache_opus = "true"
   1243 ;cache_wav = "true"
   1244 ;cache_wma = "true"
   1245 ;cache_aif = "true"
   1246 ;cache_aiff = "true"
   1247 ;cache_ape = "true"
   1248 ;cache_shn = "true"
   1249 ;cache_mp3 = "true"
   1252 ; Enabling cache_remote on remote catalogs will cache every file on the remote server
   1253 ; DEFAULT: "false"
   1254 ;cache_remote = "true"
   1256 ;#########################################################
   1257 ; Proxy Settings (optional)                              #
   1258 ;#########################################################
   1260 ; If Ampache is behind an http proxy, specify the hostname or IP address
   1261 ; port, proxy username, and proxy password here.
   1262 ; DEFAULT: not in use
   1263 ;proxy_host = ""
   1264 ;proxy_port = "8080"
   1265 ;proxy_user = ""
   1266 ;proxy_pass = ""
   1268 ; If Ampache is behind an https reverse proxy, force use HTTPS protocol.
   1269 ; DEFAULT: "false"
   1270 ;force_ssl = "true"
   1272 ;#########################################################
   1273 ;  Mail Settings                                         #
   1274 ;#########################################################
   1276 ; Enable or disable email server features
   1277 ; otherwise, you can reset your password
   1278 ; and never receive an email with the new one
   1279 ; Default: false
   1280 ;mail_enable = "true"
   1282 ; Method used to send mail
   1283 ; POSSIBLE VALUES: smtp sendmail php
   1284 ; DEFAULT: php
   1285 ;mail_type = "php"
   1287 ; Mail domain.
   1288 ; DEFAULT:
   1289 ;mail_domain = ""
   1291 ; This will be combined with mail_domain and used as the source address for
   1292 ; emails generated by Ampache.  For example, setting this to 'me' will set the
   1293 ; sender to ''.
   1294 ; DEFAULT: info
   1295 ;mail_user = "info"
   1297 ; A name to go with the email address.
   1298 ; DEFAULT: Ampache
   1299 ;mail_name = "Ampache"
   1301 ; How strictly email addresses should be checked.
   1302 ; easy does a regex match, strict actually performs some SMTP transactions
   1303 ; to see if we can send to this address.
   1304 ; POSSIBLE VALUES: strict easy none
   1305 ; DEFAULT: strict
   1306 ;mail_check = "strict"
   1308 ;#########################################################
   1309 ;  sendmail Settings                                     #
   1310 ;#########################################################
   1312 ; DEFAULT: /usr/sbin/sendmail
   1313 ;sendmail_path = "/usr/sbin/sendmail"
   1315 ;#########################################################
   1316 ;  SMTP Settings                                         #
   1317 ;#########################################################
   1319 ; Mail server (hostname or IP address)
   1320 ; DEFAULT: localhost
   1321 ;mail_host = "localhost"
   1323 ; SMTP port
   1324 ; DEFAULT: 25
   1325 ;mail_port = 25
   1327 ; Secure SMTP
   1328 ; POSSIBLE VALUES: ssl tls
   1329 ; DEFAULT: none
   1330 ;mail_secure_smtp = tls
   1332 ; Enable SMTP authentication
   1333 ; DEFAULT: "false"
   1334 ;mail_auth = "true"
   1336 ; SMTP username
   1337 ; your mail auth username.
   1338 ; DEFAULT: none
   1339 ;mail_auth_user = ""
   1341 ; SMTP password
   1342 ; your mail auth password.
   1343 ; DEFAULT: none
   1344 ;mail_auth_pass = ""
   1346 ;#########################################################
   1347 ;   Abbreviation Filter                                  #
   1348 ;#########################################################
   1350 ; For file name parsing. Any unnecessary abbreviations in file names can be removed during parsing
   1351 ; by adding them to the list below so that they will be removed during the parsing process.
   1352 common_abbr = "divx,xvid,dvdrip,hdtv,lol,axxo,repack,xor,pdtv,real,vtv,caph,2hd,proper,fqm,uncut,topaz,tvt,notv,fpn,fov,orenji,0tv,omicron,dsr,ws,sys,crimson,wat,hiqt,internal,brrip,boheme,vost,vostfr,fastsub,addiction,x264,LOL,720p,1080p,YIFY,evolve,fihtv,first,bokutox,bluray,tvboom,info"