
My nixpkg collection
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default.nix (935B)

      1 let
      2   pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { };
      3   hpkgs = pkgs.haskellPackages;
      4 in
      5   hpkgs.mkDerivation {
      6     pname = "oama";
      7     version = "0.13.3";
      8     src = pkgs.fetchgit {
      9       url = "";
     10       rev = "refs/tags/0.13.3";
     11       hash = "sha256-6/Bx8CwBhpjHBVWT5XqrPDVIKAq/hNwo2oildl513UI=";
     12     };
     14     isLibrary = true;
     15     isExecutable = true;
     16     libraryHaskellDepends = with hpkgs; [
     17       aeson base bytestring containers directory hsyslog http-conduit
     18       network-uri optparse-applicative pretty-simple process string-qq
     19       strings text time twain unix utf8-string warp yaml
     20     ];
     21     executableHaskellDepends = with hpkgs; [
     22       aeson base bytestring containers directory hsyslog http-conduit
     23       network-uri optparse-applicative pretty-simple process string-qq
     24       strings text time twain unix utf8-string warp yaml
     25     ];
     27     mainProgram = "oama";
     28     license = pkgs.lib.licenses.bsd3;
     29   }