
A curlable free/busy scheduler with CalDAV integration
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config.go (3952B)

      1 package config
      3 import (
      4 	""
      5 	"log"
      6 )
      8 type Config struct {
      9 	HiveDavHost     string `mapstructure:"HIVEDAV_HOST"`
     10 	ListenAddress   string `mapstructure:"HIVEDAV_LISTEN_ADDRESS"`
     11 	ListenPort      int    `mapstructure:"HIVEDAV_LISTEN_PORT"`
     12 	CaldavUri       string `mapstructure:"HIVEDAV_CALDAV_URI"`
     13 	CaldavHost      string `mapstructure:"HIVEDAV_CALDAV_HOST"`
     14 	Calendar        int    `mapstructure:"HIVEDAV_CALENDAR"`
     15 	Horizon         int    `mapstructure:"HIVEDAV_HORIZON"`
     16 	CaldavUser      string `mapstructure:"HIVEDAV_CALDAV_USER"`
     17 	CaldavPassword  string `mapstructure:"HIVEDAV_CALDAV_PASSWORD"`
     18 	RefreshInterval int    `mapstructure:"HIVEDAV_REFRESH_INTERVAL"`
     19 	SmtpHost        string `mapstructure:"HIVEDAV_SMTP_HOST"`
     20 	SmtpPort        int    `mapstructure:"HIVEDAV_SMTP_PORT"`
     21 	SmtpStartTls    bool   `mapstructure:"HIVEDAV_SMTP_STARTTLS"`
     22 	SmtpUser        string `mapstructure:"HIVEDAV_SMTP_USER"`
     23 	SmtpPassword    string `mapstructure:"HIVEDAV_SMTP_PASSWORD"`
     24 	BookingSummary  string `mapstructure:"HIVEDAV_BOOKING_SUMMARY"`
     25 	BookingLocation string `mapstructure:"HIVEDAV_BOOKING_LOCATION"`
     26 	BookingReminder int    `mapstructure:"HIVEDAV_BOOKING_REMINDER"`
     27 }
     29 func (c *Config) LoadConfig(path string) (*Config, error) {
     30 	viper.AddConfigPath(path)
     31 	// look for config file with name "app"
     32 	viper.SetConfigName("app")
     33 	// look for config file with name "app.env"
     34 	viper.SetConfigType("env")
     36 	// define some defaults
     37 	viper.SetDefault("HIVEDAV_HOST", "")
     38 	viper.SetDefault("HIVEDAV_LISTEN_PORT", 3737)
     39 	viper.SetDefault("HIVEDAV_LISTEN_ADDRESS", "[::]")
     40 	viper.SetDefault("HIVEDAV_CALENDAR", 0)
     41 	viper.SetDefault("HIVEDAV_HORIZON", 1)
     42 	viper.SetDefault("HIVEDAV_REFRESH_INTERVAL", 30)
     43 	viper.SetDefault("HIVEDAV_BOOKING_SUMMARY", "HiveDAV Booking")
     44 	viper.SetDefault("HIVEDAV_BOOKING_LOCATION", "")
     45 	viper.SetDefault("HIVEDAV_BOOKING_REMINDER", 15)
     46 	viper.SetDefault("HIVEDAV_SMTP_PORT", 587)
     47 	viper.SetDefault("HIVEDAV_SMTP_STARTTLS", true)
     49 	err := viper.ReadInConfig()
     50 	if err != nil {
     51 		log.Println("app.env config file not found")
     52 		return nil, err
     53 	}
     55 	err = viper.Unmarshal(c)
     56 	if err != nil {
     57 		log.Println("Error unmarshalling config")
     58 		return nil, err
     59 	}
     61 	viper.SetEnvPrefix("HIVEDAV")
     62 	// we either need AutomaticEnv() or BindEnv() on each var
     63 	viper.AutomaticEnv()
     65 	// override config file vars with vars from environment
     66 	if viper.IsSet("HOST") {
     67 		c.HiveDavHost = viper.GetString("HOST")
     68 	}
     69 	if viper.IsSet("LISTEN_ADDRESS") {
     70 		c.ListenAddress = viper.GetString("LISTEN_ADDRESS")
     71 	}
     72 	if viper.IsSet("LISTEN_PORT") {
     73 		c.ListenPort = viper.GetInt("LISTEN_PORT")
     74 	}
     75 	if viper.IsSet("CALDAV_URI") {
     76 		c.CaldavUri = viper.GetString("CALDAV_URI")
     77 	}
     78 	if viper.IsSet("CALDAV_HOST") {
     79 		c.CaldavHost = viper.GetString("CALDAV_HOST")
     80 	}
     81 	if viper.IsSet("CALENDAR") {
     82 		c.Calendar = viper.GetInt("CALENDAR")
     83 	}
     84 	if viper.IsSet("HORIZON") {
     85 		c.Horizon = viper.GetInt("HORIZON")
     86 	}
     87 	if viper.IsSet("CALDAV_USER") {
     88 		c.CaldavUser = viper.GetString("CALDAV_USER")
     89 	}
     90 	if viper.IsSet("CALDAV_PASSWORD") {
     91 		c.CaldavPassword = viper.GetString("CALDAV_PASSWORD")
     92 	}
     93 	if viper.IsSet("REFRESH_INTERVAL") {
     94 		c.RefreshInterval = viper.GetInt("REFRESH_INTERVAL")
     95 	}
     96 	if viper.IsSet("SMTP_HOST") {
     97 		c.SmtpHost = viper.GetString("SMTP_HOST")
     98 	}
     99 	if viper.IsSet("SMTP_PORT") {
    100 		c.SmtpPort = viper.GetInt("SMTP_PORT")
    101 	}
    102 	if viper.IsSet("SMTP_STARTTLS") {
    103 		c.SmtpStartTls = viper.GetBool("SMTP_STARTTLS")
    104 	}
    105 	if viper.IsSet("SMTP_USER") {
    106 		c.SmtpUser = viper.GetString("SMTP_USER")
    107 	}
    108 	if viper.IsSet("SMTP_PASSWORD") {
    109 		c.SmtpPassword = viper.GetString("SMTP_PASSWORD")
    110 	}
    111 	if viper.IsSet("BOOKING_SUMMARY") {
    112 		c.BookingSummary = viper.GetString("BOOKING_SUMMARY")
    113 	}
    114 	if viper.IsSet("BOOKING_LOCATION") {
    115 		c.BookingLocation = viper.GetString("BOOKING_LOCATION")
    116 	}
    117 	if viper.IsSet("BOOKING_REMINDER") {
    118 		c.BookingReminder = viper.GetInt("BOOKING_REMINDER")
    119 	}
    121 	return c, nil
    122 }