
Text-based journaling program
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diary.1 (17519B)

      1 .\" Generated by scdoc 1.11.3
      2 .\" Complete documentation for this program is not available as a GNU info page
      3 .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq
      4 .el       .ds Aq '
      5 .nh
      6 .ad l
      7 .\" Begin generated content:
      8 .TH "DIARY" "1" "2024-09-14"
      9 .PP
     10 .SH NAME
     11 diary - text-based journaling program
     12 .PP
     13 .SH SYNOPSIS
     14 \fBdiary\fR [OPTION].\&.\&.\& [DIARY_DIR].\&.\&.\&
     15 .PP
     17 Open the \fBdiary\fR journal for entries stored in \fBDIARY_DIR\fR.\&
     18 .PP
     19 \fBDIARY_DIR\fR is required, if not set as environment variable or defined in the
     21 .PP
     22 .SH OPTIONS
     23 \fB-v, --version\fR
     24 .PP
     25 .RS 4
     26 Print diary version
     27 .PP
     28 .RE
     29 \fB-h, --help\fR
     30 .PP
     31 .RS 4
     32 Show diary help text
     33 .PP
     34 .RE
     35 \fB-d, --dir\fR=DIARY_DIR
     36 .PP
     37 .RS 4
     38 Directory with the journal text files
     39 .PP
     40 .RE
     41 \fB-e, --editor\fR=EDITOR
     42 .PP
     43 .RS 4
     44 Text editor used for opening the journal files
     45 .PP
     46 .RE
     47 \fB-f, --fmt\fR=FMT
     48 .PP
     49 .RS 4
     50 FMT is a custom date and file format.\& Change with care, because the
     51 diary reads and writes to files with file name FMT.\& The new FMT is only
     52 applied to newly saved entries.\& Existing entries with the old FMT are
     53 not automatically migrated to the new FMT and do not show up with a new
     54 FMT specifier.\&	Consequently, a change in FMT shows an empty diary at
     55 first.\& Rename all files in the \fBDIARY_DIR\fR to migrate to a new FMT.\&
     56 .PP
     57 .RE
     58 \fB-F, --fmt-cmd\fR=FMT_CMD
     59 .PP
     60 .RS 4
     61 Journal entries are formatted with this command.\& If not set (default),
     62 the characters are printed to the preview screen character by character
     63 (without word wrap).\& For example, to enable word wrap after 75
     64 characters, use "fmt -s" as FMT_CMD.\& To format markdown, use "mdcat -c"
     65 or similar, see \fBCUSTOM FORMATTING\fR.\&
     66 .PP
     67 .RE
     68 \fB-p, --no-pty\fR
     69 .PP
     70 .RS 4
     71 No pseudo terminal (pty) for entry preview.\& Only effective in
     72 combination with \fB--fmt-cmd\fR.\& If set, the output of \fB--fmt-cmd\fR is displayed
     73 with Ncurses.\& If not set (default), the result of \fB--fmt-cmd\fR (journal
     74 entry preview) is printed on a pseudo-terminal (pty) and not processed
     75 with Ncurses.\& The pty supports the ANSI escape sequences (e.\&g.\& colors,
     76 font types, etc.\&) of the native terminal.\&
     77 .PP
     78 .RE
     79 \fB-m, --no-mouse\fR
     80 .PP
     81 .RS 4
     82 Disable mouse, don'\&t listen for mouse events.\& Mouse events are enabled
     83 by default.\& Without \fB--no-mouse\fR flag (default), native text selection and
     84 right-click in the preview window requires holding down the SHIFT key,
     85 see \fBMOUSE EVENTS\fR.\&
     86 .PP
     87 .RE
     88 \fB-r, --range\fR=RANGE
     89 .PP
     90 .RS 4
     91 The number of years to show before/after today.\& Defaults to 1 year.\&
     92 .PP
     93 .RE
     94 \fB-w, --weekday\fR=DAY
     95 .PP
     96 .RS 4
     97 First day of the week.\& DAY is an integer in range (0.\&.\&6), interpreted as
     98 0 or 7 = Sun, 1 = Mon, .\&.\&.\&, 6 = Sat.\& If glibc is installed, the first
     99 day of the week is derived from the current locale setting ($LANG, see
    100 man locale).\& Without glibc, the first weekday defaults to 1 (Monday),
    101 unless specified otherwise with this option.\&
    102 .PP
    103 .RE
    105 Navigation is done using the following vim-inspired keyboard shortcuts:
    106 .PP
    107 .TS
    108 allbox;l lx
    109 l lx
    110 l lx
    111 l lx
    112 l lx
    113 l lx
    114 l lx
    115 l lx
    116 l lx
    117 l lx
    118 l lx
    119 l lx
    120 l lx
    121 l lx
    122 l lx
    123 l lx
    124 l lx
    125 l lx
    126 l lx.
    127 T{
    128 \fBKey(s)\fR
    129 T}	T{
    130 Action
    131 T}
    132 T{
    133 \fBe, Enter\fR
    134 T}	T{
    135 edit current entry
    136 T}
    137 T{
    138 \fBd, x\fR
    139 T}	T{
    140 delete current entry
    141 T}
    142 T{
    143 \fBt\fR
    144 T}	T{
    145 jump to today
    146 T}
    147 T{
    148 \fBf\fR
    149 T}	T{
    150 jump to or find specific day
    151 T}
    152 T{
    153 \fBj, down\fR
    154 T}	T{
    155 go forward by 1 week
    156 T}
    157 T{
    158 \fBk, up\fR
    159 T}	T{
    160 go backward by 1 week
    161 T}
    162 T{
    163 \fBh, left\fR
    164 T}	T{
    165 go left by 1 day
    166 T}
    167 T{
    168 \fBl, right\fR
    169 T}	T{
    170 go right by 1 day
    171 T}
    172 T{
    173 \fBJ\fR
    174 T}	T{
    175 go forward by 1 month
    176 T}
    177 T{
    178 \fBK\fR
    179 T}	T{
    180 go backward by 1 month
    181 T}
    182 T{
    183 \fBN\fR
    184 T}	T{
    185 go to the previous journal entry
    186 T}
    187 T{
    188 \fBn\fR
    189 T}	T{
    190 go to the next journal entry
    191 T}
    192 T{
    193 \fBg\fR
    194 T}	T{
    195 go to start of journal
    196 T}
    197 T{
    198 \fBG\fR
    199 T}	T{
    200 go to end of journal
    201 T}
    202 T{
    203 \fBs, S\fR
    204 T}	T{
    205 sync selected day/Month with CalDAV server
    206 T}
    207 T{
    208 \fBi\fR
    209 T}	T{
    210 import entries from .\&ics file
    211 T}
    212 T{
    213 \fBE\fR
    214 T}	T{
    215 export entries to .\&ics file
    216 T}
    217 T{
    218 \fBq\fR
    219 T}	T{
    220 quit the program
    221 T}
    222 .TE
    223 .sp 1
    224 .PP
    226 \fBDIARY_DIR\fR
    227 .RS 4
    228 If this variable is set to a directory that can be opened, diary will
    229 use it to store diary files.\& Diary files are simple text files named
    230 after their date, formatted according to \fBFMT\fR (see \fB--fmt\fR option).\& The
    231 format defaults to "%Y-%m-%d", which is "YYYY-MM-DD" (see man strftime).\&
    232 All other files different from FMT are ignored.\&
    233 .PP
    234 .RE
    235 \fBEDITOR\fR
    236 .RS 4
    237 The program used to edit journal entries inside \fBDIARY_DIR\fR.\&
    238 .PP
    239 .RE
    240 \fBLANG\fR
    241 .RS 4
    242 The default locale used to display the first day of the week, see
    243 \fB--weekday\fR option.\&
    244 .PP
    245 .PP
    246 .RE
    248 If the argument \fBDIARY_DIR\fR is given, diary files are read from and stored to
    249 that directory, ignoring the $DIARY_DIR environment variable, any \fB--dir\fR option
    250 or the \fBdir\fR value set in the \fBCONFIGURATION FILE\fR.\&
    251 .PP
    252 .SH FILES
    253 ${PREFIX:-/usr/local/bin}/\fBdiary\fR
    254 .RS 4
    255 The diary binary
    256 .PP
    257 .RE
    258 ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-~/.\&config}/diary/\fBdiary.\&cfg\fR
    259 .RS 4
    260 An optional diary \fBCONFIGURATION FILE\fR
    261 .PP
    262 .RE
    264 The \fBdiary.\&cfg\fR configuration file can optionally be used to persist diary
    265 configuration.\& Use the "#" or ";" characters to comment lines.\&
    266 .PP
    267 Create default configuration location:
    268 .PP
    269 .nf
    270 .RS 4
    271 mkdir -p ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-~/\&.config}/diary
    272 .fi
    273 .RE
    274 .PP
    275 Install an example configuration file with defaults:
    276 .PP
    277 .nf
    278 .RS 4
    279 tee ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-~/\&.config}/diary/diary\&.cfg <<EOF
    280 # https://code\&.in0rdr\&.ch/diary/file/config/diary\&.cfg\&.html
    281 # Path that holds the journal text files
    282 #dir = ~/diary
    283 # Number of years to show before/after todays date
    284 range = 1
    285 # 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, \&.\&.\&., 6 = Saturday
    286 weekday = 1
    287 # Date and file format, change with care
    288 fmt = %Y-%m-%d
    289 # Text format command for entry preview
    290 fmt_cmd =
    291 # Use pseudo terminal (pty) to view result of fmt_cmd
    292 #no_pty = false
    293 # Listen for mouse events
    294 #no_mouse = false
    295 # Editor to open journal files with
    296 editor =
    297 # CalDAV server URI
    298 #caldav_server =
    299 # Calendar name for CalDAV sync
    300 #caldav_calendar =
    301 # CalDAV server username
    302 #caldav_username =
    303 # CalDAV server password
    304 #caldav_password =
    305 # OAuth command to fetch access token\&. For example, "oama access"
    306 #oauth_eval_cmd =
    307 EOF
    308 .fi
    309 .RE
    310 .PP
    311 To copy the sample file from the source repository:
    312 .PP
    313 .nf
    314 .RS 4
    315 cp config/diary\&.cfg ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-~/\&.config}/diary/
    316 .fi
    317 .RE
    318 .PP
    319 The file "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-~/.\&config}/diary/diary.\&cfg" should adhere to a
    320 basic "key = value" format.\& The value is read until the end of the line '\&\en'\&.\&
    321 Lines can be commented with the special characters "#"or ";".\&
    322 .PP
    323 The following configuration keys are currently supported:
    324 .PP
    325 .TS
    326 allbox;l lx lx lx lx
    327 l lx lx lx lx
    328 l lx lx lx lx
    329 l lx lx lx lx
    330 l lx lx lx lx
    331 l lx lx lx lx
    332 l lx lx lx lx
    333 l lx lx lx lx
    334 l lx lx lx lx
    335 l lx lx lx lx
    336 l lx lx lx lx
    337 l lx lx lx lx
    338 l lx lx lx lx
    339 l lx lx lx lx.
    340 T{
    341 \fBCommand Line Option\fR
    342 T}	T{
    343 \fBConfig Key\fR
    344 T}	T{
    345 \fBExample Config Value\fR
    346 T}	T{
    347 \fBDefault Config Value\fR
    348 T}	T{
    349 \fBDescription\fR
    350 T}
    351 T{
    352 "--dir", "-d", or first non-option argument
    353 T}	T{
    354 dir
    355 T}	T{
    356 ~/diary
    357 T}	T{
    358 n/a
    359 T}	T{
    360 Diary directory.\& Path that holds the journal text files.\& If unset, defaults to environment variable "$DIARY_DIR".\&
    361 T}
    362 T{
    363 "--editor" or "-e"
    364 T}	T{
    365 editor
    366 T}	T{
    367 vim 
    368 T}	T{
    369 (empty) 
    370 T}	T{
    371 Editor to open journal files with.\& If unset, defaults to environment variable "$EDITOR".\& If no editor is provided, the diary is opened read-only.\&
    372 T}
    373 T{
    374 "--fmt" or "-f"
    375 T}	T{
    376 fmt
    377 T}	T{
    378 %d_%b_%y
    379 T}	T{
    380 %Y-%m-%d
    381 T}	T{
    382 Date format and file name for the files inside the "dir".\& For the format specifiers, see "man strftime".\& Be careful: If you change this, you might no longer find your existing diary entries, because the diary assumes to find the journal files under another file name.\& Hence, a change in FMT shows an empty diary, at first.\& Rename all files in the DIARY_DIR to migrate to a new FMT.\&
    383 T}
    384 T{
    385 "--fmt-cmd" or "-F"
    386 T}	T{
    387 fmt_cmd
    388 T}	T{
    389 "fmt -w75 -s", "mdcat -c" or "mdcat"
    390 T}	T{
    391 (empty)
    392 T}	T{
    393 Journal entries are formatted with this command.\& If not set (default), the characters are printed to the preview screen character by character (without word wrap).\& For example, to enable word wrap after 75 characters, use "fmt -s" as FMT_CMD.\& See also [Custom Formatting](#Custom-Formatting).\&
    394 T}
    395 T{
    396 "--no-pty" or "-p"
    397 T}	T{
    398 no_pty
    399 T}	T{
    400 "true"
    401 T}	T{
    402 false (or 0)
    403 T}	T{
    404 No pseudo terminal (pty) for entry preview.\& Only effective in combination with "--fmt-cmd".\& If set to true (or 1), the output of "--fmt-cmd" is displayed with Ncurses.\& If set to false (or 0), the result of "--fmt-cmd" (journal entry preview) is printed on a pseudo-terminal (pty) and not processed with Ncurses.\& The pty supports the ANSI escape sequences (e.\&g.\& colors, font types, etc.\&) of the native terminal.\&
    405 T}
    406 T{
    407 "--no-mouse" or "-m"
    408 T}	T{
    409 no_mouse
    410 T}	T{
    411 "true"
    412 T}	T{
    413 false (or 0)
    414 T}	T{
    415 Don'\&t listen for \fBMOUSE EVENTS\fR.\& With no_mouse=0 (default), native text selection and right-click in the preview window requires holding down the "SHIFT" key.\&
    416 T}
    417 T{
    418 "--range" or "-r"
    419 T}	T{
    420 range
    421 T}	T{
    422 10
    423 T}	T{
    424 1
    425 T}	T{
    426 Number of years to show before/after todays date
    427 T}
    428 T{
    429 "--weekday" or "-w"
    430 T}	T{
    431 weekday
    432 T}	T{
    433 0
    434 T}	T{
    435 1
    436 T}	T{
    437 First weekday, "7" = Sunday, "1" = Monday, .\&.\&.\&, "6" = Saturday.\& Use "7" (or "0") to display week beginning at Sunday ("S-M-T-W-T-F-S"), or "1" for "M-T-W-T-F-S-S".\& If "glibc" is installed, the first day of the week is derived from the current locale setting ("$LANG", see "man locale").\& Without "glibc", the first weekday defaults to 1 (Monday), unless specified otherwise with this option.\&
    438 T}
    439 T{
    440 n/a
    441 T}	T{
    442 caldav_server
    443 T}	T{
    444 Google calendar "https://apidata.\&googleusercontent.\&com/caldav/v2", Yahoo calendar "https://caldav.\&calendar.\&yahoo.\&com", GMX "https://caldav.\&gmx.\&net" or other CalDAV compatible provider.\&
    445 T}	T{
    446 (empty)
    447 T}	T{
    448 CalDAV server for \fBCALDAV SYNC\fR (required).\&
    449 T}
    450 T{
    451 n/a
    452 T}	T{
    453 caldav_calendar
    454 T}	T{
    455 diary 
    456 T}	T{
    457 (empty)
    458 T}	T{
    459 Calendar name for \fBCALDAV SYNC\fR (required).\&
    460 T}
    461 T{
    462 n/a
    463 T}	T{
    464 caldav_username
    465 T}	T{
    467 T}	T{
    468 (empty)
    469 T}	T{
    470 CalDAV server username for \fBCALDAV SYNC\fR (optional).\&
    471 T}
    472 T{
    473 n/a
    474 T}	T{
    475 caldav_password
    476 T}	T{
    478 T}	T{
    479 (empty)
    480 T}	T{
    481 CalDAV server password for \fBCALDAV SYNC\fR (optional).\&
    482 T}
    483 T{
    484 n/a
    485 T}	T{
    486 oauth_eval_cmd
    487 T}	T{
    488 "oama access <email>" or "pass"
    489 T}	T{
    490 (empty)
    491 T}	T{
    492 OAuth command to fetch access token for \fBCALDAV SYNC\fR (optional).\&
    493 T}
    494 .TE
    495 .sp 1
    497 The preview of the journal entries can be processed with a custom \fB--fmt-cmd\fR.\&
    498 The result of this formatting command is printed to a pseudo-terminal (pty) by
    499 default.\& This behavior can be changed with the \fB--no-pty\fR flag.\& The output
    500 processed on the pty (without Ncurses) includes all ANSI escape characters
    501 supported by the terminal (colors, font types, etc.\&).\&  Thus, formatters like
    502 "fmt", or any "cat like program" ("mdcat" to process Markdown) can be plugged in
    503 for \fB--fmt-cmd\fR.\&
    504 .PP
    506 Mouse events are listened for by default (\fBno_mouse\fR=false configuration).\& This
    507 behavior can be disabled with the \fB--no-mouse\fR flag or in the \fBCONFIGURATION
    508 FILE\fR (\fBno_mouse\fR=true).\& With \fBno_mouse\fR=false (default), use the SHIFT key for
    509 native text selection and right-click in the preview window.\&
    510 .PP
    511 .SH IMPORT
    512 The import functionality can be triggered by pressing \fBi\fR and expects a path to
    513 an ics file.\& Files in the \fBDIARY_DIR\fR are overwritten with the entries from the
    514 imported ics file.\&
    515 .PP
    516 .SH EXPORT
    517 The export functionality can be triggered by pressing \fBE\fR and asks for a file
    518 path to an ics file for storing the journal entries.\& The ics file will be
    519 created if it does not exist.\& Existing ics files are overwritten.\&
    520 .PP
    522 The journal files can be synced via CalDAV by pressing \fBs\fR.\& Pressing \fBS\fR syncs
    523 all journal entries of the active month.\&
    524 .PP
    525 The most recently modified entry is considered up to date and is automatically
    526 replaced on the remote side.\& If the remote file is more recent, the local file
    527 can be replaced with the remote content after confirmation.\&
    528 .PP
    529 No sync is performed, when both files (local/remote) have the same modification
    530 timestamp or no files exists on the server and on disk at all (i.\&e.\&, no entry
    531 for that date).\&
    532 .PP
    533 The diary creates a full-day calendar entry.\& It'\&s advised to use a separate
    534 calendar for syncing purposes and not to have multiple events for a day on the
    535 remote calendar.\& The diary only considers the first event of a given day.\&
    536 .PP
    537 The calender for synchronization can be defined with the configuration key
    538 "caldav_calendar".\& This key is empty by default.\& It is required to configure at
    539 least following parameters in the \fBCONFIGURATION FILE\fR:
    540 .PP
    541 .PD 0
    542 .IP \(bu 4
    543 caldav_server: Calendar server API
    544 .IP \(bu 4
    545 caldav_calendar: Calendar name for CalDAV sync
    546 .PD
    547 .PP
    548 In addition, it is required to specifiy either "caldav_username" and
    549 "caldav_password" for basicauth (takes precedence) OR the "oauth_eval_cmd" to
    550 retreive an OAuth access token from a password manager or tool that prints the
    551 token to stdout.\& Leave username/password empty if you intend to use OAuth
    552 ("oauth_eval_cmd").\&
    553 .PP
    554 Read GOOGLE CALENDAR OAUTH2 to setup authorization with the Google server.\& Other
    555 CalDAV servers and APIs that are secured with OAuth2 might work as well
    556 (untested).\&
    557 .PP
    558 Use the EXPORT/IMPORT functionality for more batch oriented processing.\& Making
    559 a network request and deciding the most recently modified entry (local/remote)
    560 takes quite some time for large batches.\&
    561 .PP
    563 To synchronize with the Google calendar, it is required to setup a project in
    564 the cloud console and enable the CalDAV API (not the Google Calendar API):
    565 .PP
    566 https://console.\&cloud.\&google.\&com/apis/api/caldav.\&googleapis.\&com
    567 .PP
    568 The Google Calendar CalDAV API is protected with OAuth2:
    569 .PP
    570 https://developers.\&google.\&com/identity/protocols/oauth2
    571 .PP
    572 The "application", the "consent screen" and the "credentials" (client id and
    573 secret) need to be defined in the Google cloud console.\& Client id and secret
    574 should be stored in an utility application that can fetch and refresh the OAuth
    575 access token (e.\&g.\&, "oama").\& The command to access the access token
    576 ("oauth_eval_cmd") should be configured in the \fBCONFIGURATION FILE\fR.\&
    577 .PP
    578 The application requires two OAuth2 scopes
    579 (https://developers.\&google.\&com/calendar/api/auth) for CalDAV requests:
    580 .PP
    581 .PD 0
    582 .IP \(bu 4
    583 "https://www.\&googleapis.\&com/auth/calendar": read/share access to Calendars,
    584 required to discover the unique hyperlink/URI for the calendar specified by
    585 config key "caldav_calendar"
    586 .IP \(bu 4
    587 "https://www.\&googleapis.\&com/auth/calendar.\&events": read/write access to
    588 Events owned by the user, allows diary to create/read/update/delete events in
    589 "caldav_calendar"
    590 .PD
    591 .PP
    592 The user is asked for consent during the first CALDAV SYNC.\&
    593 .PP
    595 The default variables, for instance, for the configuration variables "editor",
    596 "dir" and "weekday", are populated with values in the following order, where
    597 earlier entries are overwritten by subsequent ones if they exist:
    598 .PP
    599 .TS
    600 allbox;l lx
    601 l lx
    602 l lx
    603 l lx
    604 l lx
    605 l lx.
    606 T{
    608 T}	T{
    609 \fBDescription\fR
    610 T}
    611 T{
    612 1
    613 T}	T{
    614 No default for \fBDIARY_DIR\fR.\& Defaults for "range", "weekday", "fmt" and "editor" are provided in "diary.\&h".\& If \fBEDITOR\fR is unset and no editor is provided in the \fBCONFIGURATION FILE\fR or \fB--editor\fR option, the diary works read-only.\& Journal files cannot be opened.\& If \fBDIARY_DIR\fR is not provided, the diary won'\&t open.\&
    615 T}
    616 T{
    617 2
    618 T}	T{
    619 \fBCONFIGURATION FILE\fR (empty default for "editor", no default for "dir")
    620 T}
    621 T{
    622 3
    623 T}	T{
    624 Environment variables $DIARY_DIR, $EDITOR and $LANG for locale ("weekday")
    625 T}
    626 T{
    627 4
    628 T}	T{
    629 Option arguments, see section \fBOPTIONS\fR
    630 T}
    631 T{
    632 5
    633 T}	T{
    634 First non-option argument is interpreted as \fBDIARY_DIR\fR
    635 T}
    636 .TE
    637 .sp 1
    639 If glibc is installed, the first weekday defaults to the locale defined in the
    640 current shell environment ($LANG, see man locale), unless specified otherwise
    641 with the \fB--weekday\fR option.\&
    642 .PP
    643 Start with weekday=3(Wed), overrule any other configuration value:
    644 .nf
    645 .RS 4
    646 diary -w3
    647 .fi
    648 .RE
    649 .PP
    650 Start with glibc derived weekday=1, regardless of weekday in config file:
    651 .nf
    652 .RS 4
    653 LANG=de_CH diary
    654 .fi
    655 .RE
    656 .PP
    657 If glibc is installed, start with glibc derived base date (weekday=0):
    658 .nf
    659 .RS 4
    660 LANG= diary
    661 .fi
    662 .RE
    663 .PP
    664 Disable environment variable, default to value from config file:
    665 .nf
    666 .RS 4
    667 unset LANG
    668 .fi
    669 .RE
    670 .PP
    671 Start with weekday default from config file, if available:
    672 .nf
    673 .RS 4
    674 diary
    675 .fi
    676 .RE
    677 .PP
    678 Remove config file:
    679 .nf
    680 .RS 4
    681 rm ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-~/\&.config}/diary/diary\&.cfg
    682 .fi
    683 .RE
    684 .PP
    685 Start with weekday default value from source code (1=Mon):
    686 .nf
    687 .RS 4
    688 diary
    689 .fi
    690 .RE
    691 .PP
    693 Contributions are always welcome!\& All source code is available at
    694 https://code.\&in0rdr.\&ch/diary.\&
    695 .PP
    696 For question and support visit https://web.\&libera.\&chat/gamja/#p0c.\&
    697 .PP
    698 .SH AUTHORS
    699 .PD 0
    700 .IP \(bu 4
    701 Andreas Gruhler
    702 .IP \(bu 4
    703 Matthias Beyer
    704 .IP \(bu 4
    705 Johnathan Jenkins
    706 .IP \(bu 4
    707 Yu-Jie Lin
    708 .IP \(bu 4
    709 Balduin Dettling
    710 .IP \(bu 4
    711 Avindra Goolcharan
    712 .IP \(bu 4
    713 Oliver Blanthorn
    714 .IP \(bu 4
    715 Jonny Burger
    716 .PD
    717 .PP
    718 .SH LICENSE
    719 MIT License, https://code.\&in0rdr.\&ch/diary/file/LICENSE.\&html