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      1 ---
      2 layout: post
      3 title: "Zürich HashiCorp User Group (HUG): Build, run and manage with Zero Trust on a Swiss Cloud"
      4 citation: 'HUG #10: Build, run and manage with Zero Trust on a Swiss Cloud'
      5 url: ""
      6 nicedate: Dec 2022
      7 description: "Zürich HashiCorp User Group: Build, run and manage with Zero Trust on a Swiss Cloud"
      8 categories: [speaking]
      9 keywords: "speaking hashicorp vault exoscalew kubernetes sks zurich adfinis"
     10 ---
     12 Vault Deployment on Exoscale Scalable Kubernetes Service (SKS)
     14 * [{% octicon link-external %} Meetup - HUG #10: Build, run and manage with
     15   Zero Trust on a Swiss
     16 Cloud](
     17 * [{% octicon eye %} Presentation](/assets/pdf/HashiCorp_Vault_Enterprise_on_Exoscale.pdf)
     18 * [{% octicon mark-github %} Demo code](
     20 Deploy Vault on Exoscale SKS with ArgoCD. In this short rundown we will
     21 provision a Kubernetes cluster on Exoscale (SKS), install ArgoCD and use that
     22 to spin up HashiCorp Vault Enterprise. At the end of this session, you will
     23 also be able to leverage the best practices around the "App of Apps" approach
     24 for your projects, which we already use at Adfinis to manage the lifecycle of
     25 mulitple apps across clusters and customers.