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      1 ---
      2 layout: post
      3 title: "Senior System Engineer, Adfinis AG, Zurich"
      4 nicedate: Dec 2018 – Dec 2024
      5 description: "Senior System Engineer, Adfinis AG, Zurich"
      6 categories: [professional]
      7 keywords: "occupation adfinis zurich linux engineering cloudnative hashicorp"
      8 ---
     10 Senior System Engineer at [{% octicon link-external %} Adfinis AG](
     12 <h2>Responsibilities</h2>
     13 <ul class="list">
     14 <li><u>Project manager and tech lead</u> of small teams (3 to 4 people {%
     15 octicon people %}) for multiple projects at the customer site</li>
     16 <li><u>Vault subject matter expert (technology owner)</u>: Product
     17 documentation, best practices, security issues, roadmap &amp; service
     18 development, coordination &amp; communication with vendor and Adfinis
     19 teams</li>
     20 <li>Operations, incident management, on-call and technical support</li>
     21 <li>Pre-sales (offers &amp; estimations) and solution architecture support</li>
     22 </ul>
     24 <h2>Activities</h2>
     25 <ul class="list">
     26 <li><u>Automation and secrets management projects</u> (e.g., GitLab, Vault):
     27 Requirements engineering, architecture &amp; design, self-service, client
     28 integrations in various {% octicon cloud %} environments (hybrid cloud,
     29 on-prem, AWS, Azure, Google, etc.), platforms (VM, Kubernetes, OpenShift) and
     30 industries with <u>DevOps methodology</u> (e.g., GitOps and CI/CD)</li>
     31 <li>Build and introduce MaxScale and MariaDB {% octicon database %} <u>database
     32 architecture</u> on RHEL at Swiss telco</li>
     33 <li>Architecture &amp; design, development and operations of a computing
     34 platform for a Swiss school {% octicon mortar-board %} (Nextcloud, Collabora
     35 Online, ProxySQL, MariaDB, Galera)</li>
     36 <li><u>Maintenance and support for customer SLA</u> {% octicon goal %} systems
     37 and services</li>
     38 <li>Contributions (code, support) to various <u>upstream open source
     39 projects</u></li>
     40 <li><a href="{{ '/#speaking' | relative_url }}">Public talks</a> at various
     41 meetups &amp; conferences, customer presentations, demos {% octicon gift %}, <a href="{{
     42 '/#blogposts' | relative_url }}">blog posts</a></li>
     43 </ul>
     45 <h2>Products, technologies &amp; protocols</h2>
     46 Unforgivably unstructured tag cloud {% octicon tag %} {% octicon
     47 cloud %} ..buzzwords:
     48 <p><pre class="tag-cloud">MariaDB, MaxScale, ProxySQL, PostgreSQL, Keepalived,
     49 DRBD, Pacemaker/Corosync, Ansible, CloudNative, HashiCorp (Vault, Consul,
     50 Terraform, Boundary, Nomad, Packer), Kubernetes, Velero, Cilium, CSI, CNI,
     51 OpenShift, RHEL, Debian, Linux, Apache, Nginx, HAProxy, (mutual) TLS, Helm,
     52 ArgoCD, YAML, Git(Lab), more YAML, Jenkins, AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google cloud,
     53 cloudscale, Exoscale, Nine, Icinga2, Prometheus, Grafana, Mimir, Loki, (client)
     54 certificates, cert-manager, encryption, HSM, PKI, KMS, KMIP, HYOK, BYOK, key
     55 management &amp; brokering, Keycloak, IdP, ACME, IAM, PAM, Splunk, audit,
     56 governance, self-service, API-first, REST, SSH, Socks, Proxy, Firewall, TOTP,
     57 OAuth &amp; OpenID Connect, JWT, LDAP, VPN, NFS, S3, MinIO, etcd..</pre></p>
     58 <p>{% octicon file-badge %} Technology &amp; product <a href="{{ '/#certs' |
     59 relative_url }}">certifications</a></p>
     61 <h2>Industries</h2>
     62 <p>Banking, insurance, healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, wholesale,
     63 public administration, software development, telecommunications, etc.</p>